Page 7 - DUT Excellence Semester 2
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adopted values and principles, within the University, in a deliberate and methodical way, by crafting a set of shared definitions and associated behaviours across key DUT stakeholder pillars. Initially, the decision was taken to make use of, and adapt where necessary, the framework used by the Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU), Scotland, which at that time was about the only international exemplar on this type of work. Many innovations came about that helped to evolve DUT’s framework into a unique and innovative home-grown framework that spoke specifically to the needs of DUT.
Definitions for each value and principle as well as desired behaviours associated with each value and principle were collected via a series of 41 workshops called Cascading Conversations with both staff and students. The data was further refined via staff and student workshops to ultimately produce a document known as ENVISION2030 Living Values Framework, which was demonstrably developed by our people for our people.
A number of innovations were made to the original GCU framework when it was decided that:
i. the DUT LV Framework portrays “I do/I am” and “We are/We
do” statements, affirming self-talk to craft a LV mindset instead
of I will/ we will GCU behaviours; and
ii. will also refer to DUT specific pillars of ‘Student’, ‘Staff’ and
‘Managers/Leaders’,‘Structures/Committees’ instead of the GCU levels of ‘Everyone’,‘People Manager’ and ‘Executive Board’.
The DUT LV Framework requires a number of pillars because the framework covers a wide range of roles, with differing requirements and responsibilities. Defining pillars for each value and principle enables different descriptions of behaviours to be given within one framework.The behaviours are not the tasks associated with a particular job.They identify how an individual does the job.The
behaviours are universal across all roles, though some are very much more important in some jobs than others.
As noted above, our framework consists of five pillars. The first pillar is “we” and this consists of behaviours expected of everyone at DUT. This is followed by a student pillar where students “I live the values and principles using the behaviours listed below.” The third pillar is a staff pillar and they too use the framework “I live the values and principles using the behaviours listed below.” Pillar number four is Managers/Leaders and their indication is “Lead and direct at department/university level using the behaviours listed below”. The final pillar is Structures/committees who “Live the values using the behaviors listed below to carry out the tasks entrusted to us”.
The challenge is now to make our framework a living document and ensure that we embed our espoused Values and Principles in everything we do which, in turn, will support building The DUT Way and our Institutional Culture. Going forward, part of making the framework a living one will entail making changes in our recruitment processes so that we look beyond qualifications and experience, but fitness-for-purpose and ultimately fitness for The DUT Way. In addition, we will infuse relevant elements of the framework in many of our policies and procedures, including our performance system.
AValue/Principle on its own is just a word.We want ourValues and Principles to be lived, to drive and define us so that those who meet us, those who engage with our systems and processes could say: this is The DUT Way of doing things. To achieve this we have captured the definition of each of our Values and Principles within a set of benchmark behaviours. These aspirational statements clarify the things we would like to be recognised for and help us in evaluating and improving our current practices. These behaviours must underpin what we do and how we do it.

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