Page 18 - Pipeline JanFebMar2020
P. 18
by Joen Turner
As one of the employees mandated to work from home amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic, finding the silver linings,
while massive changes are taking place, is so pertinent. One of those silver linings is the realization of just how innovative and adaptable we can really be when it comes to process improvement. Ideas for streamlining processes
to increase productivity and save time and money without sacrificing quality of work are being shared throughout the company now more than ever during this unique experience.
Coincidentally, “streamlining” happens to be Work Management’s middle name. In this instance, they’re working directly with Production
crews to find an easier, more standardized method of capturing actual crew hours worked on a job to be able to capture critical maintenance history and allow for greater reporting capabilities for our assets and facilities.
As it stands, the overall process involves multiple steps and several resources such as, but not limited to:
• handwrittentimekeeping that are later transferred electronically
• daily Reports that are handed off to several people/groups for visibility purposes
• multipleResourcesto capture a single data point
18 Pipeline
• multipleemployees
that capture the same information on separate data systems
So, why change a process if there’s already one in place? What does the streamlined process look like and what benefits are gained with this change?
Well, I’m glad you asked...
The largest group impacted by this change are crews that utilize Mapcon, who also send out daily reports, and/or timesheets. Changing the process will combine multiple data systems and allow Production Crew Leaders to electronically enter information on their daily work, pull daily reports, and enter actual time into a single system: Mapcon.
For those that aren’t familiar with Mapcon, it’s our current Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS). Mapcon is visible to anyone who has access to it. Once
the work is 100% completed and closed out, anyone with Mapcon access can see the total hours charged to that job, which is critical for our Asset Management Team and Asset Ownerswhoaretryingtomake asset maintenance and capital replacement decisions. Not
to mention the value Planners and Crews are able to gain by having historical information on maintenanceactivitiesavailable for review.
With this change crews or
team admins will still have to enter time into SAP, but it will eliminate two to four other entries they currently also make in addition to SAP, reducing
it to one entry into Mapcon. Streamlining the process will remove redundancies by combining steps, combining multiple data systems into one, and will remove the need for unnecessary paperwork, data- entries, and tasks. Employees will then be free to utilize
their time and efforts more effectively and efficiently. Not only does it save time and energy, it will also save costs outside of man-power hours.
How, you ask?
By giving Work Management the opportunity to report real-time, Actual-to-Estimated Hours. With the current process, actual hours aren’t captured
on a standard basis due to scheduling conflicts, shifting priorities, or missing daily reports. With history of actual hours, planners, crews and SMEs can pull up maintenance history and give solid estimations of what it will take in the future to maintain assets. With this data Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are efficiently tracked andmeasured.Forreporting purposes, for communicating the most accurate and up-to- date information and to show the company’s progress towards its performance goals. This allowsfordecisionmakingto
be supported by data, provides