Page 165 - CBA 2009 YEARBOOK
P. 165

 Undamrcund/Writgrs OuiU Underground
Row 1 l-r: Meg Liptak, Monica Saroff, Brett Keegan, Anne Buckel, James Gavigan
The Underground
The Underground is CBAs arts magazine. Our editorial staff selects student-submitted poetry, essays, short fiction,
photography and art. The magazine is entirely student-produced, and is distributed free of charge
Writers Guild
Row 1 l-r; Joey Marzocchi, Natalie Sportelli, Colby Hollington, Anthony Carno Row 2 l-r: Dan Pugh, Tim Rupprecht, Nate Goebel, Brett Keegan, Rhiannon Randall, Kaleigh Sweeney
Writers Guild
The Writers Guild provides students with the opportunity to meet with other writers who share similar interests. We meet once a week to share our original works, write new material, and discuss
writing in general.
every spring.

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