Page 178 - CBA 2009 YEARBOOK
P. 178

Row 1 l-r: Maggie Fennell, Cara Peters, Mike Croglio, Emily Wanamaker, Jake Stephens
The yeat^book staff would like to thank:
Shat^on 2.azzam fot*he»*fantastic photos.
~JV\n. Taubachet* foi* access to a photo libmt^y.
- 3 i*othei^ Thomas, A^»*s. Killion,
fot^ theii^ coopet‘ation at the many student events duHng the yeai*.
-P a u l ^ a d i with 3 ^ostens, fo^ helping us to cj^eate this gi^eat book. Pomn fof* allowing us to dismpt his classt'oom with out* constant pt'esence and fot' his administmtive guidance, time, and
Chief ^ditoi*- Cmily Wanamakei^
^Associate Cditot*s- A^ike Ct'oglio, 3 ^ake Stephens, and C a m Petei^s
Pei^son, and JV[i^s. -hlanson

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