Page 180 - CBA 2009 YEARBOOK
P. 180

 To ^roThor Thomao 7 j d \> ^
"The final test of a leader is that he leaves behind in others the conviction and will to carry on."
-Walter Lippmann
Thank you Brother Thomas! We'll miss you.
and sends him off to his new assignment with o u t
The end of the 2008-2009 school year' also
of H»‘othei* Thomas 2 oppo's tenu»*c as both :Principal anc P»*esidcnt of ChHstian 3 i*othcj‘s jAcademy. 7^^^^ sei^ving
as a A^ath teachei* at C 3 y \ \n the mid 1980:*, 3mthe»*
Thomas »*etuj‘aed to lead ou»" community in 2003. To»* six yea»*s he has helped enneh the spit*itual and academic life of ou»* school In many ways.
H e has ove»‘seen the expansion and enhancement of o u t
academe facilities and has continued o u t
by assuTing that O H 7 A has had the TesouTces to pTovide
financial assistance foT the many students who otheTwIse
could not attend C B A - A n d thanks to his effoTts with thli
yeaT's capital campaign, we know theTe is much to look
foTwuTd to In C B A 's futuTe.
The entlTe C H A family wishes HTotheT Thomas faTewell
St.3^ohnBaptistdeLaSalle - pTayfoThim.
T a S a llia n mission

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