Page 111 - CBA 1991 YEARBOOK
P. 111
Dru Damico
Jeffrey Francher
Dru Damico
Student Senate 9, IO-, SADD I0-I2i V Tennis 9-l2j V
Cross-Country 12; Band 9-11; Ski Club 9, 10.
Jeffrey Francher
Freedom of Choice
Senior Electives
The Seniors, at the end of their Junior year,
had choices to make. What courses would they
take during their Senior year? Sure, they had to
take English and Government, but what else?
There was Physics, which simply had to be
taken instead of AP Biology. Calculus was a
choice, but many did not want to go through a
whole year of mathematics in less than three
weeks. Mechanical Drawing and Studio Art were
a safe choice. It seemed like they would be easy
courses at the time. Psychology was a possibility
for those students interested in learning about
themselves and doing fun experiments to make
their parents hair stand on end. Finally, there
were new choices: Public Speaking/Current
Events, French IV, Latin, and a few others that
did not make the final cut.
What had become of these classes for the 1990-
91 school year? Many Seniors enrolled in Physics
had fled to Psychology for safety, while others
had taken Environmental Science as an alterna
tive. The Seniors who had taken Calculus sur
vived, while the Art students realized that Art
was indeed a real course after all. Many had de
cided on Public Speaking, where they became
the Pygmalions of the school. And finally, the
language scholars decided on Latin and French,
where they sharpened their French speaking skills
and declined Latin words.
Let’s face it; Deciding on Senior electives is
difficult as are all decisions that affect our fu
ture. And these decisions will not stop. Elective
courses will come back to haunt us all.
Assemblies can be fun and enjoyable. Sam Min-
golelli. Drake Emko. and Justin Vianese show just
how much fun they are and how glad they are
to be there.
Showing off. Paul Goggi, Pat Gilligan. and Todd
Shanning pose next to a brand new Flonda, each
wondering who it belongs to.
Seniors 107