Page 114 - CBA 1991 YEARBOOK
P. 114

 Deja Vu
Seniors Becoming Freshmen
The past does speak for itself. The
Seniors of CBA had one thing to look
forward to in college. They would go
back to being Freshmen. After they had
gone through all four years of high
school, from being inexperienced
Freshmen to experienced Seniors, they
would have to do it all again.
Yet really, this would not be such a
big deal. After all, what’s in a name?
Freshman is only a title to describe a
certain group. It does not mean that
group is any less special. The Seniors
should feel proud to enter college as
Freshmen. It is a new life and a new
experience. And new experiences can
A rewarding experience. Dan Aboud and Dave
Bonney pose with their masterpiece in the Art
Room, both thinking that the other did not work
on it as much as he did.
Sports are the best ways to reduce stress. Mar­
ianne Oliva thinks the same as she practices for
an upcoming Tennis tournament.
110 Seniors
always be fun and unique. They pro­
vide memories that will be cherished
for years to come.
So Seniors should not have been
frantic about becoming Freshmen
again. It would only be a transition to
of life
. . .
Michael Hunter
Jeannine Johnson
Michael Hunter
Football 9-l2> Indoor/Outdoor Track II, I2-, SADD 10-
I2i Band 9, 10.
Jeannine Johnson
Cheerleading 9, 10; Yearbook II; Chorus 12; SADD II,

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