Page 125 - CBA 1991 YEARBOOK
P. 125
Derek Seward ploys dl nighr ofrer
school oil day. Is rhere any wonder
rhor homework did nor ger done?
A Record of Change
nderclassmen, which included Juniors, Sopho
mores, and Freshmen, comprised rhree-fourrhs of
rhe High School. Juniors, commonly called "Dorrom
drudgery of Sophomore life, bur rhe Sophomores hod
nor. Sophomores rarely hod o moment ro themselves
between dosses. Wirh only one study per cycle and
lunch periods, Sophomores found ir difficult ro find rime
ro socialize, one of rhe imporronr parrs of o teenager's
Then we come ro rhe Freshmen, rhe newcomers ro
High School. The Freshmen hod rhree more years of
High School. Right now, they were learning rhe ropes
and getting o rosre of whor High School was like. The
Freshmen, one of rhe largest Freshmen dosses or CDA,
hod many things ro do. Mony of them investigated rhe
various sports and ocriviries rhor were now open ro
them, and oil continued ro do rheir best or all they
Yes, rhe Underclassmen were Jusr os active and Jusr
Qs much Q parr of rhe CDA community os everyone
of rhe Top" by some, was one of rhe largest classes or
CDA for rhree years running. Sophomores invaded rhe
school doily wirh chorrer and joy. Freshmen, onorher
large doss, began rheir firsr year of High School ofrer rhe
comfort and sofery of Junior High.
The Junior Class was rorher lucky rhor year. They were
privileged wirh hoving unsrrucrured rime, o rorher new
concept applied ro Juniors, ond rhe addition of o fresh,
new guidance counselor. The Juniors were highly spirited
ond active or CDA. They owoired anxiously for rhe de
parture of Seniors, os previous Juniors hod done ro gain
rhe rirle of leaders of rhe school. The Juniors also hod o
break from rheir Sophomore yeor which wos pocked
wirh dosses. Now rhe Juniors were able ro ''breathe" in
rhe open space of unsrrucrured (free) rime.
However, rhe Juniors may hove escaped from rhe
Glenn ZInszer and Scott Vuocolo
hod rime enough between dosses
ro smile for rhe camera. Aren't T-
shirrs our of dress code?
Rachel Kruth and Paul Falcone
comment on rhe arrival of rhe new
underclassmen. Fodol expressions
sometimes speak louder rhon words
ever could.
Underclassmen 121