Page 126 - CBA 1991 YEARBOOK
P. 126

 122 Underclassmen
Jessica Caruso
Joanne Cosfro
Chris Chrisfou
Sean Coyle
Comping Our
Do Juniors Ever Leave?
The Junior doss was rhe largest of oil rhe
grades or CDA. So, ir wasn't unlikely to see
many of them hanging our after school for
vorious extracurricular activities. At CDA,
these activities ranged from Foorboll to Fo­
Since Sondrine Friedly rook rhe bus most
every day, she had only rime to "speols to
friends." Her friend, Jessica Caruso, sold,
"A/ell, sometimes I go to Chorus." Erico
Speoch and Kristyn Carbone hod rhe some
response of ''Doskerball, Soccer, and Track."
Some of rhe guys here hanging our said
"Dond — sometimes noise, sometimes mu­
sic .. . mostly music on Fridays." Tony Son-
to said, "I go ro Jozz, and let's see ... Istay
after for help ond rake pictures, roo. Oc-
cosionolly, I go ro school ocriviries like Dos­
kerball, Football, ere." Since some of our
school ocriviries don't srorr until lorer in rhe
year, some of our Juniors said, "Well, when
Ski Club starts, I ski," Kristin Greeley sold,
"Mostly I sroy after for ploy practice or tu­
toring." Many of rhe Juniors found that stay­
ing after gove them a chonce ro roll^ ro
their friends. Karen Allen said, "Sir oround
ond do nothing. Sometimes, I'll do home­
work, if I'm bored. Mostly, Ijust rolk ro
Laura Murphy seemed ro be quire busy
with after school ocriviries. She said,
"Throughout rhe year, after school I go ro
SADD meetings ond Chorus, also periodically
procrice for upcoming Forensics meets with
my partner, Sarah Vanderloo. In rhe foil,
I ploy Tennis, in rhe spring, I enjoy Sofrboll.
Next winter, I will get bock ro ploying Dos­
kerball." Mary Roche, on rhe other bond,
sold, "I go ro work." Kristen Smith wos
here or CDA for quire o while ofrer school.
She said, "I woir until I go ro J.V, Cheer­
leading procrice. I'm here unri! 5 every day."
In any cose, most students stay ofrer for
rheir selected ocriviries and ro be with rheir
John Judge seems o lirrie bir shocked rhor someone is
ocrudly raising his picrure. He must hove hod orher
rhoughrs in his mind.

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