Page 129 - CBA 1991 YEARBOOK
P. 129

Firsr Driving Experience
Surviving on rhe Rood
Mosr people srorred learning how ro drive
Q cor when rhey were Juniors in High School.
One day, a Junior wenr our ond obrained
a pernnir. He wos now reody ond legolly
able ro drive . . , wirh a porenr. The firsr
driving experience for mosr people was
learning ro drive a car in a dull and boring
parking lor. You hod ro ovoid running inro
lompposrs ond moybe o cor or rwo, bur
mosr porenrs opred for o spor far from any
The nexr srep broughr you ro side srreers
and back roods, ofrer porenrs feir comforr-
able and srrong enough ro handle ir. On
rhe back roads in rhe counrry, rhe speed
limir was ofren posred or 55 MPH. Porenrs
would freak our as rheir children floored rhe
acceleroror. Ar rhis poinr, mosr porenrs gave
up and opred for driver's educorion courses.
Ler rhe driver's ed reocher's hair rurn whire
(if ir wasn'r already). Evenruolly, Juniors
would become licensed drivers wirh expe­
rience driving on rhe roads wirh no super­
The-ixory is'43pToce fo" quier srudy Jeon Osfo is
owore c# rhIs rul^, Jxif Conie Morkert does nor quire
.oqree w#h ifv..u
David P o n z io loc^-on os he teollzes rhe* rW^doss wil
ey^uqlly b©-tesoed drivers',tenses-
Underclassmen 125

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