Page 131 - CBA 1991 YEARBOOK
P. 131

 There was o Top 10 for jusr obour eve-
ryrhing: music, movies, sporrs . . . Bur one
of rhe mosr unusual could be found or CBA.
Junior year was o busy year for any Teen­
ager. There was always somerhing rhor had
TObe done. Juniors never hod o momenr's
peoce os voices filled rheir heads with om­
inous warnings. You have to do this!!
The following is o lisr of rhe Top 10 things
Juniors hod ro do, like ir or nor:
1. Toke rhe SAT. A Junior from rhe beginning
of rhe year was fared ro rake rhis dreoded
resr in May.
2. Toke rhe PSAT ond other rests. Nor as
nerve-wrocking os rhe SATs, bur close. After
all, they hod ro be token.
3. Ger o job. Mosr parents advocored rhe
saying, "If you wonr money, ger a Job."
4. Ger o license. Juniors found they needed
ro be oble ro drive.
5. If you wonr a license, roke driver's edu­
cation. Insurance money is roo high, ond
you don't hove o nighr license. Go directly
ro driver's education and do nor pass go.
Pay two hundred dollors.
6. Ger good grades. Juniors were consronriy
hearing, "Your Junior year is rhe mosr im-
porranr yeor. Colleges look corefully or your
7. Save money. "You want ro buy rhor new
cor, don't you?" Or, "College IsJusr oround
rhe corner, ond ruirion is nor cheap!"
8. Ger a dare. The Junior Prom is approach­
ing. Averoge cost: (if you're lucky) wos $200.
9. Be all rhor you can. Ir wosn'r rhe Army,
bur everywhere you went ir was obvious
rhor you hod ro do your best.
10. Buy Chrisrmos presents. "Only five shop­
ping doys left. Have you finished your shop­
Look or rhe good side. Juniors. Think of
rhis lisr os whor rhe Sophomores will hove
ro go through next year.
So Much To Do
So Lirrie Time
Chris Fotheringhom and Sean Gagne ore nor roo
fond of rheir doss. They enjoyed rhe inrerruprion rhe
phorogropher provided.
Mike Smith, Bo Bigelow, ond Mike Donnelly show
os-th^r hesr a'des. They're very fond of rheir profiles.
Underclassmen 127

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