Page 139 - CBA 1991 YEARBOOK
P. 139

 Sophomore English srudenrs spenr o lor of rime srudying poerry,
Don Sullivan srrikes o pose os rhe pensive young orrisr.
When School Ends ...
Sophomores' Afrer School Acriviries
There were nearly one hundred srudenrs
in rhe Sophomore doss and rhey oil porrici-
pored in o wide voriery of programs rhor
were or CDA. When some srudenrs leove
or 2:00 you could always find o large num­
ber of Sophomores raking porr in exrrocur-
riculor acriviries. Ar ony given rime you could
srop in rhe music room and heor members
of Chorus gerring in rune for rheir concerrs.
For rhose who enjoyed playing on insrru-
menr, wherher ir wos srrings, winds, brass,
or percussion, rhe bond played ro rheir
delighr. The enrhusiosric musicions also played
in concerrs during rhe school yeor. Sopho­
mores also found rime ro be o porr of rhe
Spring Musical pur on by rhe Drama De-
porrmenr. The annual producrion wos o mo-
Jor highlighr of rhe school year. Ir coprured
rhe besr ocring ond singing obiliries of rhe
members of rhe cosr.
On o serious side, during elecrions rhe
Sophomores, in oddirion ro rhe orher classes,
selecred rheir Srudenr Senore represenro-
rives. These members helped organize ac­
riviries and fundraisers ro benefir eoch doss.
The morh enrhusiosrs gor rogerher ond
shared rhoughrs and ocriviries in rhe Morh
Club, and rhe Arr Club provided on ofrer
school ourler ro rhose who hod orrisric flare
and rolenrs. Two of rhe mosr popular acriv­
iries were Srudenrs Agoinsr Drunk Driving
(SADD) ond rhe Ski Club. Some Sophomores
enjoyed reporring for rhe Purple and Gold
ond orders underrook rhe vorious ediring
responsibiliries needed ro produce o Year­
book. A number of Sophomores who were
planning oheod Joined rhe Furure Business
Leaders of Americo (FDLA) ro ger o glimpse
of whor life would be like in rhe reol world.
Believe ir or nor, mosr Sophomores porrici-
pored in rhree or four of rhe ofrer school
ocriviries every week. They were o busy
group of srudenrs.
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Eric Hildceth heods for lunch ofrer finoily gerring his
todser open. Molfunaioning lockers vs/ere- o ptofcr-
iem for several innocenf srudenrs rhis yeor .
Underclassmen 135

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