Page 144 - CBA 1991 YEARBOOK
P. 144
Christopher Pilger
Megan Popkess
John Powell
Daniel Price
John Redmond
Stacey Reese
Meredith Reeves
Anastasia Rinaldi
Tiona Rivers
Mark Robinson
Kelly Romono
Peter Rossomono
Nancy Ruggeri
The lost five minures of doss was whor
the srudenrs or CDA looked forword ro for
rhe enrire 42 minures of rhe period. During
rhor losr period, srudenrs were doing one of
several rhings: homework, doodling on pa
per, or moybe listening. Dur rhe most pop-
ulor posrime for rhor losr doss was sleeping.
All of a sudden, rhe srudenrs would look or
rhe dock and norice, ro rheir surprise or re
lief, rhor there were only five minures left
of rhe class. This is when rhe srudenrs paid
arrenrion bur nor ro rhe teacher. No, they
poid arrenrion ro rhe clock. Sleeping srudenrs
would slowly perk up os if a builr-in olorm
warned them of rhe coming exodus. Doo
dling srudenrs odvonced ro crumble up rheir
papers and dosed rheir books. Then, sru
denrs who were ocruolly paying arrenrion
ro rhe teacher would pock up rheir books
cautiously ond slip them corefully into rheir
bogs. Then, rhe final counrdown would be
gin. With four minures ro go, srudenrs would
check rheir own worches ro moke sure rhe
clocks were nor wrong. Virh three minures
ro go srudenrs would srorr getting onrsy.
Two minures ro go, srudenrs began ro twid
dle rheir rhumbs. One minute, and every
one was poised in silence in onriciporion until
. . . Ding. They're off! And rhe mad rush ro
rhe buses, cars and home was underway!!
140 Underclassmen
Counrdown ro Freedom
The Losr 5 Minures of Class