Page 142 - CBA 1991 YEARBOOK
P. 142

 Feeding Frenzy
Fovorire Foods of Freshmen
Vhor were rhe fovorire foods of Fresh­
men? Wirh over 90 ninrh grode srudenrs,
rhe voriery of foods was enormous. The
voriery become even more evidenr os rhe
srudenrs eogerly munched rheir food during
lunch hour.
The oil-rime fovorire wos . . . Well, you
guessed ir: Junk Food. Anyrhing rhor con-
rolned no nurririonol volue was sovored by
rhe Freshmen. Twizzlers, pororo chips, prer-
zels, condy bors, and menros were omong
rhe preferences.
Pizzo, of course, ropped rhe lisr. Bur rhere
ore so many roppings rhor pizzo could hove.
Cheese, pepperoni, sousoge, onchovies, ond
mushrooms were some of rhe mosr com­
mon choices. Then, rhere were rhose who
hod in mind some peculior roppings ond
mixes. Among rhem were pineopples ond
horn. Nor quire whor you mighr rhink of for
o pizzo!
All in oil, rhe food selecrion only proved
rhor each Freshmon wos o unique individ-
uol. The rosres also reflecred o porr of rheir
personoliries. Ir's o sofe ber ro soy rhor rhe
Freshmon doss wos like o solod bowl in which
differences colloborored ro form o speciol,
savory blend.
138 Underclassmen
Freshmon conspirorors or work th the science lob, Whof-
' byer rhe pihn, or leosr )r didn't btow up rhe school.-
seriously, they might hove enjoyed schotf ffW e.
Meghoft Popfcess and Jennifer Cerle cou^r t
serious moment, if only they hod not
Itfe ^

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