Page 151 - CBA 1991 YEARBOOK
P. 151

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Junior High
scare off even the bravest among us.
However, there were those schol­
ars who either didn't see what the
big deal about graduation was, or they
didn't fully understand it. Some
looked at graduation like the passing
years. Others recognized it as a part
of life that could not be avoided and
therefore, accepted it. They had no
regrets about leaving, but at the same
time, they didn't have too many ex­
pectations of High School.
Whether the Eighth Graders liked
it or not, they graduated from junior
High. Their graduation marked the
beginning of the road one must fol­
low to become an adult. Although
some didn't fully acknowledge it,
they somehow felt that they were no
longer the frightened Sixth Grade
Movin' On
Junior High Graduation
brought a lot of mixed thoughts and
emotions. Some students looked
forward to it, while others dreaded
it. Some found that they were indif­
ferent to leaving Junior High.
Of those students who treasured
the thought of graduation, many saw
that they would be paying their last
goodbyes to childhood. The Eighth
Graders also realized that they would
gain more independence as they be­
gan their passage to adulthood. High
School seemed like a bit of Heaven
to them.
But what about those students who
dreaded graduation? The majority of
them feared a new beginning in High
School. They were afraid to leave a
stage of life to which they had grown
accustomed. Their idea of High graduates who entered CBA two
School was mostly an increased
amount of homework, which would
years before.
Mr. Knight and some of the troops “ move
on" to lunch. Split lunch schedules were an
everyday hassle for the junior High.
Junior High 147

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