Page 161 - CBA 1991 YEARBOOK
P. 161

 SU'phon kelly
\\v.’. SB. P.l. JV are wo t itKtilv v^ut of pnso!i !*SB romeinbor brio Clapfoi>. MC m j SO. PJ Whot lioos the J stand lor? Whores your lackoi? How many Vt\arm? .IV why do they call you Al? BCC Love Ya! Never
Conunt; Back.
krtsien J. kmney
"And now. cried Mav. "let the Wild Rumpus start!” Thattks f ^ood
luck to all. esp. Sister. Lish & My Savior i.f-N & CL) RL ['‘J JAM
we did It' IS I ! JO JC £ the guys TR OM Stet. Brit £ Bo see you at banquet! Owen A 2 S>0 PR Absolut hieroglyphics! "When it hurts to L>e out there where no one will care. I've got the solace of
Yah right! Sincerely. LUCINO MONTICbLLO.
John Nave Thanks Mom and Dad. Its been fun her
you!" Thank you Mom f Dad
Ilove you! ... and .. g'byel
Zoo via Mexico. The crew RM TS
Felicia Nowicki
TFAII CL. JO, RL WOWII MY BROWNIE FUDGE) Labor Days. Soccer, BTialll Olive oil - P!l Kk Toilelll DJ GYM Retarding Force ~ SH, Tk, BA. JC. CM. I WFUl ES GLW BB. Good Luck Guys! I LUV
Marianne Oliva
II est bien plus difficile de se juger soi-meme que de jugcr autri. Si tu reussis a bien te juger. e'est que tu es un veritable sage. — Antoine
de Saint-Exup^ry.
Allison Paris!
Art imitates nature. — Aristotle Nature imitates art. — Oscar Wilde
Danielle Patnode
AP (Rocky) — startin' to see stars? JA — JCs toast — LC - nice clean rug! (#5 — best — Luv ya CC) KP — the oar? — KP/CB/SK/ JN/RM - - Run 4 the border DD/TL - CK great! Mom — thanx 4
everything — LUV U ALL! C’ya class of '9I!
Kendall T. Scott
Summer ’88. KSP in full effect. Peace to Keeshia, Tee-Tee, Marlyn, J- L, keelan. Kool. DG, CN. TE. SS I made it. JJ "come closa” MO. JS, Yej it can only gel better. Brina "HOOl Yo did you sece him?” Todd 8 Terry Luv ya. Chris stay away from negativity. Always know who
U are £ where U stand. Mom. dad grandma thanks GJIWALU
Todd Shanning
The only way to gel rid of temptation is to yield to it. To the Moms and Dads of the class of 9I for being the wind beneath our wings and
allowing us to dream. I love you Mom, Dad and Stacy.
Jennifer Smith
"Live your life by conscience — not by rumors. Conscience is how you see yourself; rumors are how others sec you.” CS: thanx 4 e/ thing. Heather: 7 grS yrs. of fr/ship — Things will get better — love
ya — Mom, Dad. Lenore S KriSt Love ya.
Charles Stanton
Hey Hey What Can I Do. Thanx CJ= MAMA: Opnhd slap on mouth JS S JAi Do U have chein hw yet? Bst friends KIT; TP. DE. CH; Hey!: NotLeMoyne!JV£MA Dr.Death~ whatcalchw?SK£PC— LZ £ V rules: Ski Club 89 90 91=We’re all good kids NOT; 151=ACTION!
Carl Thoms
Terry LaBelt Isn't that the Spanish movie?! Karen
did I ever tell you? "Don’t
Adrienne Polllchemi
G-mo words don’t say e-nuffi (I hear bass!) Tch C-Z dance. JS? Good Luck JC bS CC AG Thank you . . . DJ MA/kS/FN, Mrs. N/Mr. B/Mr. WMissO.!Nun4-Gelallmyloves.T.G.D.k.ATU IILUMomma,
Pop and Chris. CIAOI
Mark Romano
Thanks Mom and Dad Love ya. J. Seitzs trust me! New years Eve! Todd good luck w MP. Thanks for everything MP/DR/JS/Jay S./kP/
TR Footl>all ‘90 Poison ’9I Green Machine. See ya.
Thomas Romig
My Good Friends: OM (Your house good times!) DD, TS. PG. SH. LM. RS Caz; TL. DW. JM'. RM. TJ (Jerry). JJ. TA ~ Camping. Namys MV (Squid) - THANkS. CL - - appreciate it (6. 8. I3, Carnige, the "Bee") thanks Mom, Dad "Speak softly, but carry a big stick" —
Theodore Roosevelt Thanks CBA. See You Later
Ralph Sacco
To the we shall be true and ever honored be thy name CBA Football is back. Special thanks to TOM, CARL. DALTON I’ll Never Forget You. Can't forget "Hammer”. "Missile". BB. JO. TS, MA JAY MACRO. JN Coaches Teachers, Friends. To My Parents who have made all of my
dreams realities!
Jeannine Santana
Finally over (thank God) — JC "Patch” us all in the family." JC — Breath! MG “Wild kingdom ' kS, AP. 8 e/one else just for c/lhing SPOT - B r . Need I say more? Thanks Mom, Dad. family. All my love
to my best buddies, have place, "kids" £ Toots. Brian Satalin
know what vou got 'till it's gone” II S'" Dan D t Lisa
I love ya Thanx guysl
both. Cousin! Ckb NDWBAbT!
'hard to handle." DD MC SB PS
Cristina Lombardi
A part of adolescence is leeling that there is no one else around
whose enough like yourself to understand you" . . . SML. Italy S8. TR 6! Absolut KK. Lombardi Posse Rules! JM RL f-N Cl Thanx. PI03!?« Good luck Jean. Who's your Pa? DD BM Hogan. Relate to ABCD? Sparky - Lite I love vou. all is groovy. Thanks Mom and Dad. Peace. Love, and Happiness.
Rosemary L. Lombardi
2 friends that were ^gether. left e other I by I on search 4 fare whether, + sit +- I drink lO toast 2 slim chance of love's recovery; Greatfully dedicated 2 ail teh Lombardi Possi — i'll miss U. 7B 6 in a hot tub —Chinese w NA at the pit. Good luck Mussolini + Linguini, mv Homie tCH). JH iHO). MA (camping). 4- 2 JC - "Ducks can
really fly!" Good bye Guido. Guinies rule! Thanks Mom + Dad love U. GCM 8 88.
Jason Macko
- I
Jason — loves family; friends: Todd. SJ. Stup. Biill, John. Don, Ther- ston. Big Lips. Katie. Hitches. Memories Dirt Shack. "My Party". "Wasn't me ", Caught again. The best. "Ism", Appt., States. Woods.
E. Fayette. "Get Out!’. "Send It ". BL friends. - "Trust Me."
Matthew Marnett Science, math, engineering, law. medicine ~
these are noble pursuits, but poetry, love, romance — these are the things we stay alive for. — Keating. A very special thanks to Doug and Shawn for reasons
To all the kingsmen
Tongman, Safety Pup. Mac attack, Stu, Dcnthead, Siberian Brothers. General, and Mario — two but six — but dance forever — Saddle up Steve — Hail — Hail ^ Hail — your welcome ladies — The king rules.
Owen R. Michaelis
Thanks everyone for everything including Mr. Dado S teachers. JC, PG. PG. DB. TR, CL. FN. DJ. JO — Its been great, kristen — (PB) Thanks for always understanding and bearing w/me. I won't forget. Jersey (DJ) TR. DL. BS. BB. DV. BC. MJ — Weekenders. Sphere Club, graveyards. THE BARN (6 anywhere else). Lax — it can’t get any
apparent to them.
William Marsallo
First off the "Housewreckers” Pole, Massaro. Naz. Salalin. Aboud. Shanning. Macko, Stup — Is this my toilet?! Mall benches. Basil’s the man. Dan-Cross. The child eater. HHPosse. Erica I will always love
you. Thank you for everything. I’m outta here. PEACE!
John Marshall
Psycopaih, Tuto — Price — Liverpool. Sully — Tent. Tim. Brian. My BEAST buddies — Polar Bear. Schinzo. Mousillini. HUC. D- Smork, Denthcad. Jay. Stup. and most of all Mucci and Thurston — Pen Can —Who brought that urinal? W atch us laugh Howell-Catherine. thanks.
Ronald Marshall
Stu. Macko JAW, The Great Oak. The missile, Skin Lip (Steve Pole). griR, Hammer £ Brown tooth. Slu. Mary Lou, 7 N’s YLTH, Big Al. Thur­ ston. Heavy G (Gerald). I want to thank n>y friends for all the good
limes and memories.
Jeffrey Maryak
C. D-TRAIN. D-BON. GOG, OWEN, Cl -F all. St. Dennis, keys?, B; Basement, JC s PP, GP. B; Camp. U of M. "The Final W ord". Cayman '9I. !’m going on a trip . . . . Fireball. Cemetary Crew. Popcorn Man, SF, FM, PP.! Tony! ROONEY! Yippi Kiai MF, Cannibal '90 (It's so easy)
Thanx Mom, Dad. + Jon. Later, I'm Miami Bound.
Leo Massaro
Thanks for the good times Linguini, Denthead. Thurston. Bruno. Jaw- man. -I- Stup. Agl Ig! Agl My brother Joe/Partyl Mountain Climbers. Prom (jose) Maybe someday. The Dinkey Posse (HUCK. Skin. Big, Ice/ Lip. + Nasman). Thanks ~ The Massaro Family. If I forgot someone
From the CATMAN
TD. TR. DD, MH/Peace Kendall, Yej. Tiona, Hadiya/To CH, Zim. TR. RS, JM. MH, GOOD LUCK Peace to all my KAPPA BROTHERS, good luck w/life SEANG. To my man Wil Mathis -f his sidekick Jimmy — Peace/lhanx Sheila. Mr. B. MOM. PAD, TERRY.
Justin Vianese
7 in 12 "OH NO Michelle Geiss" CJ — "Go on Girl” X-Country NYC The Rock — The Dead — Where’s Drake? — Dr. Death lives "Wherer did that bush come from?" "Pete where's your coat?" Saccopath
"OKAY" Killingion "Pete!" ”1see the sign" Rod — Pizza joke DLD ILUVU Thanx Jason. Mom. -F Dad.
Michael Zimmer
You’ve been through it once/You know how it ends/you don’t see the point/Of going through it again/And this ain’t the place/And this
ain’t the time/And neither’s any other day.
Meghan Phelan
As Mwas, and then again it will be, and though tlte course may change sometimes, rivers always reach the sea. LED ZfcPPLLIN I975. I Love You. Ml The Song Remains the Same. Mom. Dad. Amy. JA. KB. CJ.
J.l. Love you guys too.
Stephen Pole
Is that a cello. LADA. Hey Bro. Joe. Methanol. Dart and knife siabbings, H'/flO with MA. cookies, with TS JM, J copter. Prom (chauffer) need I say more, the laughter is here, watch P I C. Falls in the kitchen.
Shawn remember the Cough JD Non Cortland Mike and his new car - Spanish class
worse. Mom. Eric. Andrea. Dad. Cindi . .. Free at last. Free at Iasi." MLk
- you're most important. "
Shubreath. Jim. Polski. Maz. Howski. Killer Joe,
Jennifer Miller
And So It Goes . . . CL PI03. Hamms, "Mint"; Cl -r- "Funny Thing’’.
Carmellas, Gitch, "NOT"-, Kk — I3 H-----thanks; RL — "downfaH" +
posset JM ES, Thanks -
marriage?; "killer" — 3D's/PG/SM/JS/BS/TS/JH/kS/ Jk. JC. JH (bears). MB (Pathfinder), M + D!
Samuel Mingolelli
"You ever dance with the devil in the pail moonlight ”I have. RB Lost Horizon gotta go! 6'4-f. kristy (WTB) (ILU) "Ditto'' 8/8/90 + I0/3I/ 90S SB, PD. Truckin’ Joe! made U cry skang, "Noell” BB, DE, Football -f nl. Love Machine. UO, YE, VO. U, JV, JB, CJ. uncle Bingo, + Vinnie,
Stefanie Moffa
Thanx Mom, Dad and my friends MS/DJ/JM/CI/KK/PM/Summer of 90. Aye Carumbal Ditto babe, you drive like a maniac. Never Forget PERRV-33, Pooh Beer, 01/1/88. long Talks. See ya Syracuse and New
York State!
(Snow) friends, BYEI
Summer w/Bro. B
Good luck to all my
Frankie G.
Spanish class — 88/89 — JM, TS. SH, DV. MK,
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