Page 160 - CBA 1991 YEARBOOK
P. 160
Brian Abbott
"There is a tide in the affairs of men, which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune/' — Shakespeare. "Yes, the tide sweeps in — but it also ebbs — and may carry you out to sea.” — H. Poirot (AC). Bye AAA, HC. NC. Mrs. P, Mrs. N, MO, JS, CAT, KS. all my friends. I'll
never 4get U. Read onl
Daniel Aboud
'Til drive” Peace to JM + John Glenn, T-Bear, Oak, MIssle. Candy- man. 7 -h Mr. 3, Fred Grosso, Gus Pedro. Carlione. Polar Bear. Ah — Dru, Neats 4- the Boyz. Love + thanx Mom, Bruno, + Nick, thanx coaches. D — Nice ran this school but "We gotta go ... Peace.” We'll
be back Yol — PRT
Adetoun Adeniji-Adcle
WT ni ALU, ES WUABT/ RL — Remember N'awlins. TFA, Fraggie Aggie. KS — NY is calling, keep to your dreams. As for myself, CBA lANCBI Life is what you make it, and it will be mine. Luv ya all. Peace I'm outta here Yal PS: HC. BA, I luv you. Keep in touch. Hey, what. H
isn't talking to you
Jennifer Alford
Hi CC #5. "A” — you got himl 3's not a crowd. Dani — no more partyl Look out LCI Clean ruggi You're the best! Thanx. Meg "Sick”. M ■+• M. C'ya RM, JN Joanne — thanx for everything — MV?? I luv
you John 12/22/88. Thanx Mom, Dad. and J’s
Michael Allan
Thanks M + D/G 4 P. Good luck DD. RB, TD. DE. CH. Love Machine. Dead '90 —Where’s Drake? ZOSO '88. Stones '89. Skaneateles Boys — the lake is glass — HVfeO Ski!! Seabrook/Dru/shes French! "Many dreams come true + some have silver linings. I live for my dream
and a pocket ful of gold." ~ Led Zeppelin
Michael Anderson
Tongman — give ine a shuffle! Atnorphous, H20 gate W/SP. 'sup Steve. Baseball State's '90. shall I compare thee ..• /«. cops, camping w/RML. all Moms — Peace, JV &GV (Ham), KS (2-12). can't forget RLB, JMAC, Stu, JA, AP. DP, TS &Tong Brother (AMO), so much for friends? (DD, TL). thnx Mom — Dad (ILVU). good luck KC (’94) —
See ya!
Rami Badawy
"Some men see things as they are and ask why, I dream things that never were and say why not” — Robert F. Kennedy, my friends. MJA, ATD, DE. CH + all others. Luv ya B-. Thank you Mom + Dad. "A!
Karen Ball
"Take this kiss upon the browl/And in parting from you now/Thus let me avow:/You are not wrong who deem/That my days have been adream ..." —PoeCure.DM,Bauhaus,etc ... Loveyou—CJ,SS.
MP. JJ, AP. DE .. . M &D
Rose Linda Barbuto
To MG. SV. JC. TL. DD. GV. JV. KV, JA. JB. BB. PB. TB. YAA. RB. JO. "flying” BF. AG. and ”Tongers” MA and BS "hall” To all my friends
and family. "Time may change me, but I can never change time’’ Thanx for the memories.
Britton Bertran
"Long distance runner, what you standin there for? Get up on get out of the door!" The Dead (FOM) JB, MC350, DEI5*''3, PC. SK, GH. J/6V , BF. Summers 888990. DO § LP even though ... Remember;
Spontaneous, INAFI. Thanks Mom.
David Bonney
B, thanx to Mom/Dad 6 PG/JM/DM
JC/OM/AJ Had some grS times: Cementary CriiCi St. Dennis (who’s hammock Is that?) B. Basement. Cannibal ’90 (it's so easy!) TRAAN’ SCAMP - MECAMP. Dome '88, YAKYi fireball at PP; popcorn man (SF/DF/PP) Marsh connection; D/J — the final word '90 —- Cayman
’9I-, JD summer — We #1 D-BON GVRZ 8 OUT.
Scott Bradley
"If you can’t take the heal . . . " JD brawl MAZDARATTI PD. Formula 350 "Roadwarrior” MC. Mingo, Dago, Butts, Calc (MC Too Short) ng
... squirtin’. Hammertime. Homey 2, Flamehole(Coach) Lunka, Slew
hunk. SB. PD ~ keys . . , your fault. Mom, Dad, D 4 JP — I love you. Now it’s time to say goodbye . ..
Patrick Gilligan
Irish diplomacy: "The ability to tell a man to go to hell and have him look forward to his trip." Dome '88, pig roast. Pikes Peak, Indi. my
Leaving A Record — Last Words
Crew, DD + TL (Twinkles) PEEETE ~ Jacks talking. Maria go get the keys!! MUUUUHI!! Ruthless
Jason Breed Football — JYD, Chopp’em. Coach Quarterback
- We ll
- Formula 350 90 in a 30 — Stein you are recessive — Britt Clapton ruled — Mingo’ shue machine — Thanks everyone Mom 4 Dad etc.. — Remember don't let life pass you bye — and that "you can always get what you want”
sgt (bathroom), barn. Bye; DD. TS, PG. R 4 Paul Goggi
j i
Stones rule. Peace.
Michael Calcagnino
Football; JD: Brawl, the missile. Rocket, and Leo the lord. "Butts.” The burban. The Calais "I think Ican” (Toilet) Finding. Have fun Sophs Terra. Mary. Charlie I am C Nice. Peace. Yah Boyee, Ruthless. Mike
"MC TOO SHORT " Calcagnino
Heidi Chang
"On ne voit qu'avec le coeur. I'essential est invisible pour Ics yeux.” —Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Thanks Bro. Casimir, Mr. Moretli, Dr. Hamati — you are the greatest! ILU Mommy — I will make you proud. Good luck "Little One” (Nicole) + class of '91. Remember the good
times ... C’est tout ...
Vincent Christian
Hockey '87. Europe, No, Calc Book. Mar 13, O’Hara. Sara!. Mare, book, Hey Calc Tim is real, Jon "Take it away". Downsy. Redlight. RIT
weekend. AP/JB/JS/JA/TA/BS and hudden.
Mikes Christou
. stay out of the kitchen.” "its about time!" Thanx for everything
Mom + Dad. Formula 350. "Road Warrior" 10/28/89 "100 in a 30?” Vetle 78. Love ya Siephi Never forget you guys — JL, PC, SK, TL. DD. 8B. SB.
Peter Ciabaftoni
"What a long strange trip it's been." — The Greatful Dead. — Good one, KD 7 in 12, EC at the Dome. Jack, !!6, Lost. AA? Good luck JV,
SK, MC. SB, BB, JB. thanks Mom. Dad. 8 Dave.
John Colella
"The first days are the hardest days don't you worry anymore." CHALKALOT PUDDIN. DB. DM. JM, GH. OM. PG. Barn crew. Me numba I. Holii ILU. Thanks Mom and Dad for always being there. ILU
Anthony Dalakos
Good Luck RB. DE. MA, CH, CS "Heeyy." "I'm so sorry”, 15 minute man, Dead 90 D. and the pick up. Who or Zeppelin? Cee-Jay? "Thank
you for a real good time" — GD (LL) ST to CDB (GSCM)
Dru Damico
"The wheel is turning and you can't slow down, can't let go and you can’t hold on. can't go back and you can’t stand still. If the thunder
don’t get you then the lightning will.” TYH — ClYDE
Tony DeFeo
To all the good times: 72-0. J-D Brawl, Tanner is still on the hill. Stogies at Ski Club, Spanish 10, Sully. RaaalllphI Peace to all the Whiggers! Yeah
boy. Crash, good job; Party on RE. EB ...
DB/JM/DM/JC/OM. Party Palace, cemen-
Daniel Downes
Lasagna? Thanks TL/MG/MC/SB/"The Great One" MA
Chandra Ivey
Well the first days are the hardest days . . . Thanks — JM. SM. KB. L'S. DD. JM. PG. all the rest. Don’t forget Carmella's (the funny thing to do). Pit, DA (nol-funny). Ba IV Prom. Caz friends; Don't say that
J word!! 'Rents. LUVYA. We outta here: word to yamotha.
Carolyn "Martina" James
KB, MP. CS (ACTION). JJ 9 4 yrs. — Toronto. Jr. Prom (RV) Hawaii '91?!! Jamal's, Field Party (BBO) Eric — ILU -- 3 min . .. you goof! Sarah — J loves you! Sammy Lou — the ‘dead’ van-Kirby. Shinny Drake — 151, $7 (the pool, thanx) RB. Anthony (Feelin' dizzi?) b- ball cup! Jusim "Go on jericur! guy" I love you guys — 4 unfrgtbl yrs. Thanks Mom ILU "Everything counts in large amounts . . . " DpcheMd.
Dina Jenks
BEACH HAVEN heather. FKN - 630. JP. T Nile. AY. ML. SM. H'. O. J. M 4 A. Your Everlasting Summer You Can See It Fading Fast So
You Grab A Piece Of Something That You Think Will Make It Last.
Jeannine Johnson
i'll miss you Karen. Meg. Jen A. Jen S. Tiona. ’Diya’. and KH — KIT! Carolyn always remember; 7/4/1990. Toronto. Junior Prom. Basil, and STA. Thanks Mom and Dad for your love and sacrifices. I'll make U
proud. Peace trav 'CIWALY'
Thanks + Sorry—Don?Cousin!R—"damnnewkilled’em”—PingPong.JO — "In your eyes” — Spanish 10— "Lucy" Fries and a shake — CBA
Hockey +nl NDWBAET Long live #9
Drake Emko
"You’ll miss me” — TMB Giants. Hockey '87 (europei) - '90. the Dead '90(wui happened?), thanx: MA stubs party better, Mr. Serious. Shaggy D, CH (bro's visiting Elms?) Murph. Bobb I want yer hair, Meathcad, Brit (151club), Shylock . . .longest movie credits, CJ "feelin’
dizzy?," KB. shrubbery. -F Abdul the Grocer
Maria Gtamartmo
The Fair . . . enough said. JS -- Del. AP — I hear bass! CC — Puerto Rico KS thanks. Dru — Orig. wig. turnhead. KY — Tennis. Naz guys. Dan D. — Fries 4 Shakes?! GP — N. Side. PIzzaboyz, AZ — awesome
Thanks to Mom, Dad 4
fary. Bon's base and camp; Yak — PPPP, Cannibal '90 (we're number I). "Party’s over” w/PG and DJ: Dome '88 Ridin' w/Yak after Prom; 3 stellar lax years — the infamous chin zif. DM '90. Good luck OM, MB. MC. JA 4 CM: the Monster — 6 long years. Reach out and touch faith.
Shawn Hanrahan
Spanish 88-89. TS. MC. JM. DD, DV, SS. TR, JK. CT. MK; Miss Snow Forever. Lunka (Knob) JD Brawl: Hair- Captain 3; Footbal #1. HM Slump:
Thanx Mom and Dad: Navc-Buick. BE Live Life: Peace!!
Frederick Hogberg
Thank you CBA for letting me share the education and the activities for a school year. A special thanks to the Coiellas who made it possible for me to know your lovely country. I will never forget you. Fred the
Charles H. Horton, Jr.
Hey, its all over. Thanks CBA! It's been great. Hey. I'll miss you CAT, RB. DD, TD, OM, DB. PG. JM. RM. CALC, DE. JM. JH, JN. BS. "Fin genips" rule. Love ya forever JA. KS. Cl. R 4 CL. MG. KK. Adjede.
RLB. Mielster. Good luck 8 keep going Chanell.
James Howell
Donlin-Marshall. Mucci Dart Brothrs Sleepy Dun Todd's Lane Satal- sucks Danny D. Bake outs' Pool Boys Slow Songs RM7S YARDS Riding wrecked May 20, 1995 Angela Marie Bero 1love you with all my heart
and soul 1242
Craig Humpleby
"I drown myself in brandy and sleep on high, but however much I booz . . . ” "The people on the hill all think I am lazy, but when they
sleep 1sing and dance.” — The Who
Michael Hunter
Live long and prosper guys! 1hope we all do well, in whatever we do! Good luck and farewell!!! Thanks Mom and Dad. also Pop. Love ya. LA. Spanish class 88-89. DD. SH, TS. TR. JS. DU. MK. CT. Miss Snow.
Thank you to CR. JL. RU. RB. JH. SH. JN. TR, DD. TL . See ya later!
. Love ya guys!