Page 21 - CBA 1991 YEARBOOK
P. 21
Heidi Aumiller talks with Brother Stephen. “No, Broth- er, really, I’m Heidi, not Heather!” These twins were ap parently used to it.
A Record of Excellence
Academics has always played an important role at C.B.A. This year was no exception. With all the homework and the memorization that was assigned, it appeared that the students’lives cen tered around work.
An element of challenge showed itself through some of the assignments, while others refreshed our memories by keeping themselves as simple as possible. Homework made it possible for us to realize how much we recalled from classes, or, in some cases, how little.
Then we dealt with tests based on the night’s
Brother James’Math classes can be pretty tough. “What the heck’s a tangent. a n y w a y•99?”
work. These quizzes served the purpose of letting the teacher know how much we understood, and how little. For teachers, it was a chance to see how well they taught their more-than-eager pu pils. If a scholar failed, after school help was of fered and/or a time to interrogate the professor on what was unclear. Even though we didn’t al ways feel it, we learned something new and dif ferent each day. Now that another year has passed, we are able to recognize the fact that we grew intellectually, and that we are a little bit wiser.
The library is a great place to work. But what on earth are the Mets doing 2V4 games be hind the Pirates?
Group discussions in Mr. Conroy’s classwerealwaysin teresting. Today’s topic: How does he get that coffee stain on the knot of his tie?
Student Life 17