Page 22 - CBA 1991 YEARBOOK
P. 22
Common, everyday places are full of history and trivia. CBA is definitely not the ex ception. This institution of education is packed with an swers of questions never asked. How much do you know about your school? The following are just a few facts about CBA that most people who attended and worked at
CBA did not know:
—Brother Emery Aloy- sius was responsible for the building of the old school on Willow Street. —The school was founded in 1900.
—The first principal of the new building was Brother Victor Hickey.
—Seventeen seniors made up the first gradu ating class. That was the class of 1901. —Approximately 450,000 students have attended CBA since the opening of the school. —Five hundred and seventy eight students attended CBA in the 1990-1991 school year. There were 362 students in the high school, and
198 students in the ju nior high.
—The school owns 24.9 acres of land.
—The school building covers about 5 acres. —There are 58 rooms in the school.
—There are 65 doors in the building.
—About 45 phones can be found in the school. —The school library contains 10,297 books and periodicals.
—The first yearbook was published in 1967. —There are 1802 lock ers in the school. —The approximate number of detentions given out per year is 200.
How well did you do? Did you know most, some, or a few of the incredible facts? If you already knew all of them, there may be a continuation at another time. We shall see ...
18 Academics
Did You Know ... ? A Trivial Record of CBA
Ron Marshal and Jason Macko just love lunch. However, they don’t know that they are each hoping the other is paying.
Jeannine Santana and M ari anne Oliva take some time out to smile at the camera. What were they so intellectually discussing before this interruption.