Page 44 - CBA 1991 YEARBOOK
P. 44
Taking Action
Students Against Drunk Driving
For SADD, the 1990-91 school year was the most productive year yet. For the first time, the faculty of CBA allowed the SADD organization to have a three day enlarged educational program. This program was pri
marily aimed at preventing sub stance abuse and reducing the risks of DWUI. The three day sessions were kicked off by a “white-out” memorial day. Ac tivities also included a mock ar rest and trial, Alateen presen tation, Christian Brothers Edu cational Seminar, Victims’ pan
el, varied films, lectures, guest speakers, County Health Pres
Many activities and projects have been sponsored by CBA SADD. One of these is the billboard on 1-690, also sponsored by CBA Alumni, CBA Booster Club, and CBA parents.
entation (Convincer/Seat Belt), and special “teacher-directed” classroom presentations. The program concluded with a spe cial “Care About Teens” assem bly, which included guest speak er (and CBA Alumni) County Ex ecutive Mr. Nicholas Pirro. The program was guided by co operative efforts of many faculty and students, advisor Gary Bar- naba and program coordinator Adrienne Pollichemi.
Many of the other activities SADD sponsored throughout the year included dances, hosting meetings for the Onondaga County Youth Council, and a
Don’tDrinkandD r^
pool party. SADD offered all of these activities and educational opportunities to show all of the student body that there are al ternatives to not just drinking and driving, but substance abuse overall.
S.A.D.D. Officers: (Standing) Mr. Bar- naba. Advisor, Mark Romano, Ste- fanie Moffa. (Seated) Dan Aboud, Leo Massaro
Seniors (from top to bottom)
6th row; M. Zimmer, Vianese, C. Thomas, C. Stanton, J. Smith, T. Shanning, A. Pollichemi, S. Pole, M. Phelan, D. Patnode
5th row; F. Nowicki, Jf. Nave, S- Mingolelli, J. Miller, O. Mi- chaeiis, J, Maryak, R. Marshall, d. Marshall. D. Mart
4th row; B. Marsailo, C. Lombardi, <1, Kosturik, K. Kinney, J, Johnson. D. Jenks, C, James, D. Hughes. C. Ht>rton, F, Hog- berg
3rd row: S. Hanrahan, P. Goggi, P, Gilligan, M. Giamartino. D. Emko. T. DeFco. D. Damico, T. Dalakos, J. Colella, H. Chang
2nd row: M- Calcagnlno, J. Breed, D. Bonney, R. Barbuto, K. Ball. R. Badawy. M. Anderson, M. Allan. J. Alford
1st row: Mr. Barnaba, L« Massaro, S. Moffa, D. Aboud, M. Ro mano
40 Activities