Page 55 - CBA 1991 YEARBOOK
P. 55

A Record of Performance
Athletes were always trying new ways to make and breok
records. Our school's athletes were no different. They trained
for endless hours to practice for coming games and matches.
Exercise and practice were all a part of an athlete's life,
and the rewards paid off.
There were some loses and disappointments, but there
were also many wins and rewards. The most important thing
was the satisfaction that resulted from hard work and prep­
aration. Playing a sport was demanding, but our athletes
met the challenge. They should be proud of themselves as
well as we should be proud of them.
Athletes added a special dimension to CBA. The athletes
of 1990-91 enjoyed several updated facilities which previous
generations lacked. Besides the stadium and tennis courts,
there was new equipment ond also new coaches. The new
quality added a fresh spirit to the morale of our athletes.
The spirit of camaraderie was even stronger as our athletes
enjoyed more wins and successes. CBA's sports program
provided the perfect outlet for school spirit.
No) Q game for the squeomish, Foot­
ball, nonetheless, is quite popular at
CBA. Here, Mike Hunter ottempts to
tear off Jack Mantione's head, while
Jack tries to escape, (and they're
Spring of 1990 brought the Lacrosse, Softball, and Base­
ball teams into the forefront, while Golf and Tennis were
practicing. An especially successful season was enjoyed by
the Baseball team, which made its way to the state semi­
The Fall of 1990 brought with it a new batch of sports
appropriate to the season. Soccer, Football, and Cross
Country enjoyed their time in the limelight. Girls' and Boys'
Soccer both competed with other teams for a spot in the
Sectionals at the Dome.
The Winter was bustling with several sports. The Bas­
ketball teams, Indoor Track, Hockey, and Volleyball reigned.
An added feature to the Winter season was Cheerleading.
The Cheerleaders cheered on their school's teams with a
spirit shared by all.
Athletes were very busy this year, and were placed under
pressure to perform to the best of their abilities. Our athletes
strove to break and make new records.
The Junior High Cheerleaders served
triple duty this year, cheering on 7th
Grade, 8th Grade, and Freshman Bas­
ketball, IThey never ran out of spirit!)
Girls' Tennis enjoyed individual as well
as team success. RoseLinda Barbuto,
Brooke Feranchok, Allison Geiss, and
Coach Paul Maestri made the trip to
the state tournament in 1990,
Girls' Soccer, never a team to shy
away from the camera, shows their
unlimited spirit before a big contest.
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