Page 84 - CBA 1991 YEARBOOK
P. 84

 Entering the 1990-91 season, the
Brothers Hockey team was taken
lightly by most, but proved itself to
be a formidable opponent early on.
In fact, the team was the surprise of
the season. Returning seniors Vince
Christian, Drake Emko, and Dan
Downes led the Brothers' offense. In
a mid-season contest against Ca-
zenovia, Downes set the CBA single­
Ice Brothers
season scoring record. Swedish ex­
change student Fred Hogberg and
sophomore goalie Chip Gray an­
chored a strong defense.
By season's end CBA looked to
be a favorite for next year. Juniors
John Massello and John Paul Ken­
nedy will be returning, and the de­
fensive tandem of Mike Romano and
Chris Christou should be tops in the
The future looks bright for the
Brothers, as more players become
experienced in the game. The team
has already proven itself in tough
competition, and they have shown
that they could be among the best
in the league.
An opposing player lakes a shot against a
CBA defenseman. Another goal denied.
Kneeling: J.P. Kennedy, D. Emko, M. Romano, C. Christou, F. Hogberg, V. Christian Standing: J. Wawrek, J. Massello, J. Tankersley,
D. Downes, G. Gray, T. Guyder, T. Emko, P. Ciciarelli, S. Bishop
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