Page 73 - CBA 1983 YEARBOOK
P. 73

Steve Moorshead grimaces "during his loss to Senior Bill tReaddy
h Scott Callahan is all smiles '* over the success of the week
Mdespite numerous opportunities for the Juniors. Finally, in
iracquetball, new this year, Junior Jim Stephens annihi-
Hated all competition, winning by scores of 11-0, 21-4, 21-
The question remains; Will the Juniors be able to defend
Itheir title next year? Only time will tell.
Quiet please. Peter Vanderloo concentrates during chess match
Mm Mm Good! Bob Smythe and Jack Mungovan go face first into the delicious pie
Pat Cahill tries to maneuver along the boards during the soccer final

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