Page 86 - CBA 1983 YEARBOOK
P. 86

 Ski Club is Terror on the Slopes
Yes, Syracuse may be the unheralded blizzard cap­
ital of the world, with Chicago a distant second. Our
weekly snowfall may also be greater than the rest of
the country’s seasonal average, but this year was just
the opposite. This winter was nearly the mildest winter
in the history of Syracuse — as only 44.1 inches of
snow fell. Did this bother the CBA Ski Club? No.
In spite of the un-cooperative weatherman, the club
showed their mettle in skiing slopes with little base and
patches everywhere. Moderators Brother Robert and
Mr. Campbell, were not too worried about broken
bones, as the conditions did not promote icy grounds
and skiers had a good time anyway, despite the weath­
The skiers were challenging Labrador, facing the
steep hills, and the man-made snow to prove that while
the weather in Syracuse may be uncooperative, the
skiers can survive anything.
Senior Tim Teelin helps Char­ lie VanCleaf prepare for a slope run.
Sam Imbolli can't seem to straighten his legs after a long day of skiing.
S. Imbolli, P. Esposito, C. Bogdneu, D. Peterson, J. Haz­ ard, A. Fox, D. Bruns, G. Bur­ gess; S. Billinson, P. Guinto, R. Scheiwiller, J. DeRoberts, T. Carrat, G. Watson, R. Francis; S. Hartnett, J. Lucas, R. Catel- lano, N. Pirro, S. Kenney, J. Ol­ sen, R. Schultz, C. Mills, T. Cerio, A. Lampuri, P. Shepard- son, C. Ricciardi, Bro. Robert

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