Page 87 - CBA 1983 YEARBOOK
P. 87

 George Tucci and his compan­ ion take a short break for a smile.
Todd Bradbury relaxes with his date between dances.
juniors Share Special Night
The highlight of the 1981-1982 school
year, for the Juniors, was the Junior Prom
which was held on May 19, 1982. The
prom, a complete success, was the result
of the combined efforts of the Junior Class
Officers — Dave Dombroski, Dave
Kopp, Mark Fuller and, Tom Vanderloo
and the Junior Class Moderator Brother
Lawrence. It took place at the Lakeshore
Country Club and combined excellent food
and music provided by “The Coachmen.’’
The atmosphere was made complete
with perfect weather and a scenic view of
Oneida Lake. The evening was highlighted
by the dancing of the hokey-pokey and the
jitterbug with Brother Lawrence leading
the way. For many, the evening was culmi­
nated by a walk along the lake. A post
prom breakfast at the Hays’ house capped
off a successful night.
Tim Teelin prefers being fo- gether and dancing slow.

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