Page 91 - CBA 1983 YEARBOOK
P. 91

 /ocal chords appealed to the Singers and drove them to
ligh plateaus of success.
Comedy ensued whenever the Singers were in the pro-
:ess of adding yet another piece to their repertoire. The
[famous pleas to "enunciate!” , and the incessant pacing of
[their maestro would always be a part of the Singers’
Sweeney, Bill Readdy, Kent Hitchcock, Tom Hoffman,
Henry Sniezek, Tom Sullivan, and Chris Edwards greatly
contributed to the Singer’s reputation.
The Sacco Singers give a special touch to any event,
whether it is a school liturgy or a Mothers’ Club function.
Clearly their brand of music makes them successful.
'■■J. Janowski, K. Hitchcock, J. Jurick, S. Hays, P. Kelly, D, Dombroski, R. Toole; S. LaRose, T. Young, S, bomber, A. •rOiScenna, G. Goodwin, T. Michaud, T. Lampuri, T. Hoffman; Mr. Sacco, C. Benson, H. Sniezek, D. Kopp, B. Readdy, •;B. Speach, C. Chudzik, C. Sovik, M. McGowan, C. Merkling; C. Mills, B. McMahon, T. Sullivan, S. Kenney, S.
Pendrak, S. Callahan, J. Mungovan.
Veteran performers Paul Kelly, Dave Kopp, Rick
Mr. Sacco directs the famous crowd.
All right, who stole my baton! Mr. Sacco points out the right notes.

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