Page 101 - CBA 1996 YEARBOOK
P. 101
Friends give each other gifts that may
rive at schoot at such an earty hour,
they actuatty catch up on studying or
comptete tengthy homework assign-
ments to heip pass the time.
be surprising. Danieiie Waiters tooks
excited after receiving a gift from her
friend Moiiy Vrabei.
Many kids such as Kevin Murphy ar-
Don’t mess with these three happenin’
chicks Ciaire Gorman, Joanna Daia-
kos, and Eve Bigeiow as they check
the hatis for any “uncoot” students.
Caught red-handed Jonathan Wotf!
Another tardy on your record, but at
teast you got more than your usuai six
hours of steep.