Page 150 - CBA 1996 YEARBOOK
P. 150

 VARSITY CHEERLEADING: L. Barnes, C. Bush, K. Cartlnl, A. CIrIclllo, A. Feld-
smllh, J. Geiss, L. Kept, S. Murphy, J. Myers, T. Myers, K. Thornton, C.
Tracey, M. Vacco, D. Verone. COACH: Judy Tornabene
J.V. CHEERLEADING: A. Ascloli, L. Cimino, N. Collins, K. Drescher, E. Fisher,
C. Holmes, B. Horlander, K. Martin, K. Neri, E. NicolettI, K. Segar, C.J. Wise.
COACH: Barb Resse
Cheerleading can be ex­
hausting. Kim Thornton,
Kate Cartlnl, and Angela
CIrIclllo rest before com­
peting In Jacksonville.
Not only does cheer-
leading require balance
and flexibilify, but also
great strength. Jessica
Geiss, Chrlssy Taylor, and
Liz Kopf balance Carolyn

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