Page 25 - CBA 1996 YEARBOOK
P. 25

 Susannah Murphy shows
seniority over her younger
brother Robert in this intimi­
dating pose. Robert certain­
ly seems used to the situa­
CBA Siblings
As you walk down
the crowded CBA hall­
ways, you spot an all
too familiar face In the
sea of bodies. Having
a sibling at CBA really
appear. For some of
the younger classes,
an older brother or sis­
ter can provide some­
what of a security
blanket for you. They
are always there to
watch out for you and
help to keep you out
of trouble. However, If
your brother or sister
was a mischievous
one when he or she
was in your grade lev-
e l, teachers can
sometimes become
quite a hassle. But look
at the bright sidel Old­
er siblings can drive
you to school, pick
you up at parties and
get you out of some of
those parental prob­
lems. Most certainly,
they already had got­
ten in trouble for the
same thing and can
provide you with some
pointers on what to do
to stay out of trouble
next time.
Having a little sibling
at CBA can be very
stressful, maybe just as
stressful as having an
older family member
at school. They need
help with homework,
rides to and from
practice, and advice
from us wiser ones,
sometimes when we
seem not in the mood
to give it. It can be a
great refresher,
though, to see that lit­
tle smiling face you
know all too well after
a bad day. Little sib­
lings, although they
may not always show
it, respect their older
brothers and sisters
and look up to them in
every way.
All in all, having a
family member close
by to watch you and
help you through
these awkward times
is a wonderful thing.
Having a sibling at
CBA means bringing a
little bit of home with
you every day.
Elizabeth Brandt
Jamie and Kimiiy Thornton
see each other at home, in
the halls, and on the field.
Kimiiy is a varsity cheer­
leader, who cheers for the
Brothers (especially Jamie)
during football season.

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