Page 30 - CBA 1996 YEARBOOK
P. 30

Jennifer Kasouf is ready to give some­
one a tour around our great schoot.
She, as well as all of the other vol­
unteers, are proud to show the guests
how wonderful the environment at
CBA is.
touch to work. Open house is the best
time for students to decide what lan­
guage they will take if they come fo
Ms. Bush spreads the word that If a
student Is feeling sick they can come
to her office to rest. A ll o f the teachers
understand If a student is feeling a lif-
tle "under the weather".
Dr. Dalakos is putting her magical
Open House ’95
Each and every year,
Christian Brothers Acade­
my provides an Open
House, it is held for children
who do not currently at­
tend, but are interested in
possibly coming to CBA. This
event, held every October
on a Sunday afternoon,
promotes the CBA aca­
demic departments, as well
as its outstanding athletic
and extracurricular organi­
zations. CBA students of all
grade levels offer their time
to act as tour guides for
prospective families, intro­
ducing them to our new li­
brary, cafeteria, computer
center, and weight room.
The gym is lined with tables
which hold displays pro­
moting every available
sport and organization.
This year, however, be­
cause the Varsity Football
team was playing at the
Dome, it was very difficult
to find volunteers. CBA fac­
ulty and staff also had a
chance to share with pro­
spective students and par­
ents their departments and
teaching styles. Over 173
students toured our "sec­
ond home" that Sunday.
Once again, CBA's Open
House was a hit and many
people, precisely 173 of
them, were interested in
becoming a part of our
wonderful CBA community.
Thank God for the 1995 ex­
Courtney Masterpol

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