Page 32 - CBA 1996 YEARBOOK
P. 32

Change the subject!”
hen one thinks of academics, one gen­
erally thinks it pertains to studying. This is
true, however there are many things
that could encompass studying, Some
examples are free periods, procrastination, and AP
courses. All
such examples affect studying in one
way, shape, or form.
Free periods that are given to any student allow
them to a sigh a breath of relief. During such a time
one might choose to converse in the cafeteria, do
assigned homework in the library, or just relax in some
way. This permits students to take a break from their
classes, and give their minds a rest.
Procrastination can become an obvious problem.
Things can be put off so long they never actually get
done. This can be a predicament in most, if not all,
subjects. Teachers expect their students to perform
the tasks given to them. Procrastination does not fig­
ure into this.
AP courses are classes that give college credits.
These classes are difficult in that they teach college
material at a supposed college level in high school.
This year more AP courses were offered, and the in­
terest for them seemed to be greater than in past
years. For example, AP U.S. History, European History,
and Physics were offered, where generally interest is
limited. However students this year have found that
they wanted the challenge of AP courses.
Academics does not merely pertain to studying,
as mentioned previously. However, all areas of study
do influence and shape us, as well as our classes.
Something exciting distracts Christina
Amos from History ctass. Hopefuiiy her
teacher didn’t notice her momentary
tack of attention.
Mr. Bednarski and Mr. Benware take a
minute to chat before schooi. Even
the teachers need to socialize some­

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