Page 77 - CBA 1996 YEARBOOK
P. 77
Gary Barnaba
Health 7, Health 11, SADD
David W. Bartell
Social Studies 7, Global Studies
Mark BednarskI
Global Studies 10, US History &
Government, Young Republi
cans Advisor, Crisis Intervention
Todd Benware
Language Arts 8, English 9
Brenda Bigelow
American Literature 11H/11R,
Advanced Placement English,
The Purple and Gold, Writers'
A! Bodway
Lorrie Bodway
Br. William Brynda, FSC
Spanish 1-8, Spanish 1-9, Spanish I
Guild, The Underground
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Teachers are always happy fa
see their students. Mr. Albani
flashes a smile at one of his.
When asked to compare teach
ers' desks, the neatest one imme
diately came to mind — Mr. Lov-
ecchio's. In class, he is constantly
straightening papers, making sure
that everything is in its proper place.
This need for neatness, though, cre
ated an amazing learning environ
ment, Just seeing that he had taken
the time to do everything in ad
vance made us students more at
tentive to our own systems of or
ganization, leading us to ultimately
adopt some of his habifs.
Now, the messiest desk, that was
certainly a topic to ponder. Some
times, you may place your assign
ment on a teacher's desk, but you
never get it back .. . because it had
been "mistakenly" misplaced. In re
ality, it had become caught up in
the masses of paper strewn all over
the desk. Even with this problem,
however, no teacher struck me as
blatantly messy.
So, I end with this — neatness is
a part of personality and personal
preference. What is good for one
teacher may be unbearable for an
other. All the teachers at CBA are
organized in their own ways; as long
as they keep doing their jobs well,
it does not matter if their desks are
Neat, or Not So?
spotless or messy.
Meghan Dyer