Page 78 - CBA 1996 YEARBOOK
P. 78
Jim Buda
Gina Burrows
Physical Education, Varsity Girls'
Basketball, Varsity Girls' Lacrosse
School Nurse
Spanish IIH/IIR, Spanish IIIR, Span
ish Club Moderator, Spanish Trip
Robert Caraher
Music to. Mixed Chorus, Wom
en's Chorale, Select Choir, Jazz
Ensemble, Spring Musical
Lois A. Crowiey
Mrs. Bush has an important role in
the CBA school-skipping security
system. Your parents can expect
a call too if you forgot to do your
report... ahem, I mean If you’re
Rainy weather can be a downer.
Mr. Moretti keeps his spirits high with
just a potato chip.
Dr. Toni Dalakos
French HR, French IIIH/IIIR, French
IVH, Latin, French Club Modera
Jeffrey Charies
Physical Education, Junior Varsi
ty Football, Varsity Softball
Kevin Conroy
Patricia Bush Christine Byrne
US History & Government, Psy
chology, Public Speaking/Cur-
rent Events, Boys' Modified Soc
cer, Varsify Ice Hockey, Junior
Varsity Baseball
Assistant Librarian