Page 53 - CBA 2012 YEARBOOK
P. 53
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Gabrielle M. George
'Nothingcanstayunchanged. Funthings,happythings... Theycan'tallpossiblystayunchanged. Evenso,canyoukeep on loving this place?'
'Just find them; new fun and happy things.' -Clannad
Thank you to my wonderful parents. I couldn't have done this without you.
Anime Club 12, SelectChoi‘u s ^ - l j ^ ^ •Shakespeare Competition IQ, 11,
Jessica C. Giannino
Doonethingeverydaythatscaresyou...Don'twasteyour timeonjealousy.Sometimesyou'reahead,sometimesyou're behind. The race is long and in the end it's only with yourself. Everybody's free.
Little girl you're in the middle of the ride. *Live and Let Live*
John R. Glover
Mom, Dad, Pat, Dan- Thank You for all that you have done for me over these 18 years, I couldn't have done any of this without your support. Throughout our time at CBA we have become a family, true BROTHERS. The bonds that hold us together are not of blood, but of the memories we've shared together.
1fl-12, JV Baseball 9-10, JV Bask«||fn0, ball 9, Varsity Bowling 12, Peta"Ministry 10-n,"Spanish Club 10, Lookin' Out
, Ihtramurals 9-12, Golf 9-K)
Claire K. Gollegly
"In these bodies we will live. In these bodies we will die; But where you invest your love.
You invest your life"
-Mumford&Sons DadKathJay&Aaron-Thanks for everything xoxo Conor-Never grow up, just stay this little Friends, love y'all! QTF.PLM. stand by me Forever&For Always
Long Live. Seniors '12.
LsSalhan P Softball 9JZ.jy|feneyba
Honor Society 1W2, ACapell 12, Jr Prom'