Page 54 - CBA 2012 YEARBOOK
P. 54
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Paige Gordon
Nil Magnum Nisi Bonum
To my parents, teachers, mentors, friends; [hope to make you proud; I hope to make you smile. "This above all: to thine own self be true"-Hamlet
-ipistry 11-12, 9,VarsitySoccer li^ Club10,Anime
Marisa Greene
mom dad nina boppie fam - thank you for everything, i love you!
shana & gab; bests, lex; my sister, all my <3 to the three of you to my friends at the academy - i'll be missing you
making plans to change the world while the world is changing
Peer Ministry 12, Nfftionaj Honors So Bowling12,LookingOufClub9-11,
, ‘
4 ' M'riters Guild^-U, Ski
Spring Musical 9-12, A ll D^iirha
*10-11,NationalHonorsSoci^^-12,< ' Club12, TheUnUbgi
Shannon M. Gross
"God doesn't give you the people you want, he gives you the peopleyouneed. Tohelpyou,hurtyou,leaveyou,loveyou and make you the person you were meant to be." Thank you Mom, Dad, Deanna &David Jared for your love
and support.
Friends &Swimmers - I love you all. Seniors '12
12, National Hdnor Society
^ub 9J2, PromCommitteeLj^^^iish
ftbalT^-10, Var^ty Bowling 10, Varsity
tijh W, Qrildren's Rights Group 10-11, ooking Out Club 11-12
Marissa Guido
Do you see the hat?! I AM MRS. ...NESBIT. One day you're defendingtheWHOLEGalaxy...
See A. Jordan
<Art Club 9, Chess Club 9-10,jfx)kin' Out Club 11, Co" '. KenySTO,Spn^Musical9ilO,EallDrar^1 kChoru
Shakespe^ Vompetitioa 11, P^ilos^h? Civ