Page 77 - CBA 2012 YEARBOOK
P. 77
Brendan C. Smith
"If you want to know the truth, I don't know what I think about it. I'm sorry I told so many people about it.About all I know is, I sort of miss everybody I told about. "-Holden CaulfieldTo my friends and family, thank you for your love and support.'Time enjoyed wasting was not wasted."
Ski Clu6 9-10, Peer Minisfey Spanish Club 9-12, Varsity Outdoor T
‘Track 9-12, JVSoccer 9, NatilA| Hom • Tutorking 9-12, Children
Multicultural fill
Katrina L. Springer
"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future." -Steve Jobs. Thanks to everyone who made this possible, it's been real. "This isn't goodbye...just see ya later." #LongLiveTheClassOf2012.
Nicholaus Spunar
Today Tm gonna try harder,gonna make every minute last longer.Gotta learn to forgive and forget cause we don't have long gotta make the most of it.Today Tm gonna love my enemy,reachin out to somebody who needs me.Make a change make the world a better place cause tomorrow could be one day too late.
r^ity Cros^lJgit^ 9,10,12, VarsjefyIndooi eball9,10, Varsity Trac MathTeam 11,12, Mas Ttfb ID,!!. Intramuralsd
Kaleigh E. Sweeney
Success is not the destination you ever reach...Success is the quality of your journey. 1truly am grateful to my family, friends, teachers, and classmates who have made this journey exciting and memorable. The future is in our hands... Questa e la vita, Che cosa ci voi fa?
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