Page 78 - CBA 2012 YEARBOOK
P. 78

Peer Ivlirdstry 11-12, SkfcQulj-ftl Sj Club 9-12, Spring Musicaj,,9-12,’t d Chorus 9-10, Select Chdnilg^gl.2,
9-10', Drama it Club 11-12, iipiommittee 12,
ck 9-10, Varsity
Emily Tanner Keira M. Terchowitz
Seniors '12 lately it occurs to me
what a long, strange trip it's been Mom&Dad-thank you isn't enough, iloveyou Friends.always.FSB*neverforget.
We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other. BestOfLuck&StayBeautiful
1guess I'll admit, high school had its days.Good luck, Hailey
Mae. iloveyou.To my friends-1 couldn't have done it without you. LoveAlways. FSB‘"When you're young, everything feels like the end of the world. But it's not; it's just the beginning."Long Live the Class of 2012, you will be remembered<3
LaSallian Youth ^fz, topkin' Out C ||h ^ ^ ^ S r . Ball Committee 12, Spanish Cluh9-12, Spring 2, Drama
,Club ^12, JV Lacrosse 5-10, Indoor frack ^ 0
iVarsity Cross Country 11, Varafc I Outdoor Ti3pf9
Brandon H. Turner
"In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure."
Thanks Mom, Dad, and family for supporting me, without you I wouldn't have gotten this far.
Friends- thanks for all the memories. I'll never forget you. Stay classy and best of luck SENIORS 2012!
Chistopher J. Underwood
Mom, Dad, Meg I owe it all to you nothing I have done would have been possible without you. Bros lax its been real. DLJ Angy keep running it. Class of 2012 no regrets only love. Im out lax41ife

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