Page 80 - CBA 2012 YEARBOOK
P. 80
Kristina Wendl
"Around here, however, we don't look backwards for very long. We Keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
Thank you to my friends and family, especially my mom, I love you all.
Good luck class of 2012
Michelle M. Wiese
"1 said remember this moment in the back of my mind..." Girls&Guys unforgettable. MomDadMattBrianPat 1owe it all to you. soccer.laxers<3
Seniors'12 Tve had the time of my life, lloveyouguys. xo "Long live all the magic we made, and bring on all the pretenders one day we will be remembered."
•Varsity Shimming 9-ll^ki
^ Ivliiristry,SprifigMusicalJ.04.2^oSk1 w * 10, Spanish Club 9, Uf\f(
i%etballV,Peer Hub11,Bowling Group 10-11
VarsitySoccer9-12,VarsityBasketball 9-12,LasallianYouthprotip9-10,l^e^
jfcNational Honbf Society
Bryce J. Wiley
"Don't take life too seriously, nobody makes it out alive anyway". Thank you to my family for all that you've done for me. Thankyoutomyfriendsformakinghighschool memorable, I love you guys. Good luck class of 2012.
Stay Classy
"Life is like a rollercoaster ride.
The ups and downs and crazy turns along the way. It'llthrowyouoffifyoudon'tholdontight" MomDadEricaFam[ily]
the boys and gals<3Heres to the night we felt alive You have all touched my life in a way I could never imagine Dream big Seniorsl2, the sky's the limit
Daniel J. Zimmerman
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