Page 9 - Winter/Spring 2015 Issue
P. 9

Turn your New Year Resolu0on into a “New You” Resolu0on! 
It’s  a  new  year,  a  Bme  for  new  beginnings,  new  goals,  and  refreshing  procrasBnated  dreams.    We  hear  it  from  friends, family, and loved ones; it’s all over our Facebook and Twi;er, as well as celebrity TV and talk shows – it’s the  big quesBon, “What’s your New Year’s resoluBon"?  Suddenly, the flood of desires rolls in and we hear selfHpromises  of weight loss, dedicated exercising, and the courage to quit bad habits and establish new and be;er relaBonships.  It seems as if we hear the same ol’ thing year aWer year, and if we are honest with ourselves we can say most of us  have made the same New Year’s resoluBon more than once.  We go all year without making the right decision, but  when  December  31st  hits  we  begin  planning  our  whole  year,  having  neglected  our  resoluBon  from  the  previous year.  I myself became infected with the social trend, taking light of an urgent life style change that my mind, body and spirit were thirsting to be quenched.  Then I was enlightened that what I was seeking was not just a new  year, but a new me.  I needed to do an evaluaBon on myself on a daily basis, because doing it just at the beginning of  the  year  was  only  reminding  me  of  the  things  I  needed  to  achieve  and  did  not  accomplish.    Focusing  on  a  new  you  instead  of  a  new  year  fuels  you  to  make  a  change  and  not  just  go  through  the  moBons.    This  process  begins  with  spending quiet quality Bme with ourselves on a daily basis, if only for 20 minutes. Just as we would check up on our  children or an elderly parent, we must understand that we constantly have to see to our own wellHbeing, monitoring 
our  joy,  health,  relaBonships,  career,  and  spiritual  health.  These  things  have  nothing  to  do  with  a  new  year  but  have  everything  to  do  with  a  new  you.      As  you  begin  planning  your new year’s resoluBon, sit  back  and  ask  yourself  what  you  want  to  achieve,  seeking  your  life’s  purpose  and  living  as  if  every  day  is  an  opportunity  to  become  the  best  you  that  you  were  created  to  be.    The  resoluBon  is  not  the  New  Year.    The  resoluBon is a daily journey to  a “New  You”. 
Shawnta’ Pulliam an  Inspira2onal Speaker, Author, Female Advocate, Community Organizer and Life Coach.  She is the President 
Shawnta’ Pulliam Arise, LLC and Founder/CEO Nurturing Hearts, INC  

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