Page 27 - Florida Concealed Carry Law
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Accidental showings are just that: an accident. However, people will get scared and the police are going to show up. Be smart. If someone sees your firearm, get as far away from that situation as possible.
Can You Show Your Gun When You Are Angry?
Brandishing is the intentional showing of your firearm in a rude, careless, angry or threatening manner, not in justified self-defense. Just imagine you’re driving down the road when you accidentally cut someone off. The other driver pulls up and shows you his gun. This is brandishing. Any time you display or threaten someone with a firearm that is not justified under F.S. 776 is considered brandishing. I’ll explain what is justified under F.S. 776 in a later chapter.
Is Open Carry Legal in Florida?
Open carry is when you can see the firearm openly exposed, and it is legal in the following situations.
Florida Statutes 790.25 - Lawful ownership, possession and use of firearms and other weapons.
(g) .... or regularly enrolled members of clubs organized for target, skeet or trap shooting, while at or going to or from shooting practice; or regularly enrolled members of clubs organized for modern or antique firearms collecting, while such members are at or going to or from their collectors’ gun shows, conventions or exhibits;
(h) A person engaged in fishing, camping or lawful hunting or going to or returning from a fishing, camping or lawful hunting expedition;
(i) A person engaged in the business of manufacturing, repairing or dealing in firearms, or the agent or representative of any such person while engaged in the lawful course of such business;
(j) A person firing weapons for testing or target practice under safe conditions and in a safe place not prohibited by law or going to or from such place;
(k) A person firing weapons in a safe and secure indoor range for testing and target practice;
(n) A person possessing arms at his or her home or place of business;