Page 29 - Florida Concealed Carry Law
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  Where You Can Legally Carry Your Firearm?
The Florida concealed weapons permit allows you to carry your firearm to the majority of places you would go. There are only a few areas where having a firearm, concealed or not, is illegal. These areas are called prohibited places.
15 Places You Can Never Bring a Firearm
Prohibited areas are places that you are not allowed to carry or possess a firearm lawfully. Personally, I don’t find myself going to these places very often, so it doesn’t affect my ability to carry very much. However, early on I took the time to memorize this list to prevent a mistake that could leave me in a lot of trouble. I suggest you do the same.
Florida Statutes 790.06 (12)(a)
1. Any place of nuisance;
2. Any police, sheriff or highway patrol station;
3. Any detention facility, prison or jail;
4. Any courthouse;
5. Any courtroom;
6. Any polling place;
7. Any meeting of the governing body of a county, public school district, municipality or special district;
8. Any meeting of the Legislature or a committee thereof;
9. Any school, college or professional athletic event not related to firearms; 10. Any elementary or secondary school facility or administration building; 11. Any career center;
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