Page 72 - Florida Concealed Carry Law
P. 72

 children know exactly where my firearms are located, but they can never access them. Isn’t that what we want? This safe is only $130. Call me crazy, but if you can afford to buy a $500 handgun, you can afford to secure it properly.
If you have a shotgun for home defense, consider the Hornady RAPiD shotgun mount. This is an amazing product that allows me to safely secure a shotgun while giving me quick access in an emergency. I currently have this safe mounted in my closet. This option is a little more expensive, with a price tag of $300. That's a decent amount of money, but it’s a better option than one of my children getting hurt or killed one day.
Please take my advice and secure your firearms. Over 5,300 children get shot accidentally every year, and I believe it's the parents’ fault. If you keep your firearms securely stored, you’re one step closer to becoming a safe and responsible gun owner.
Always Treat All Firearms as if They Are Loaded
Firearm safety rule number five: Always treat firearms as if they are loaded. Whether your firearm is loaded or unloaded, all firearm safety rules must be followed. It really saddens me when I hear a story of someone who was accidentally shot, and they immediately say, “Well, I thought the gun was unloaded.” Well, it wasn’t. This is unacceptable, and we must follow the gun safety rules, even with an unloaded firearm. Remember, the goal of the safety rules is to complete a multi-layered approach to gun safety. If one rule is broken, hopefully another rule will prevent an accident. Every person that I've met who have accidentally shot themselves has been an experienced shooter. They get complacent and create bad habits, and eventually they get hurt, or even worse, killed. You need to create good habits. If we treated all firearms as if they were loaded, firearm accidents like this would never happen. One of my biggest fears is accidentally shooting my gun during a class. This is why I take extra time before each class to ensure that every firearm is unloaded. Then I place any live ammunition in my bag, far away from the classroom. If you create good habits as I have, you will be one step closer to becoming a safe and responsible gun owner.
Always Safety Check Your Firearm
Firearm safety rule number six: Always safety check your firearm before, after and during use. Safety checking your firearm is the process of verifying whether the firearm is loaded or not. To properly safety check a semi-auto

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