Page 31 - ECA Yearbook 2023
P. 31

served as a sparkplug in the growth of Fleet #7 to become one of the largest and most
        active fleets in the Class.

        Clark Thompson
        First back to back National Champion 1975 -1976 of Houston Yacht Club Fleet 2. Clark
        was the first to take 4 first places in a National Championship Regatta. He later went onto
        win the Champion of Champions Regatta.

        Dick Torpey
        First Person to make a trifecta in Ensign Awards.  Won the 2002 Nationals, 1989 the first
        Most Beautiful Ensign Award and was the recipient of the Sligh III Award.  Dick was
        Commodore of the ECA from 1991-1992, served on the Governing Board for two terms and
        provided expert advice on the establishment of our 501-(C)(3) classification. Through the
        years Dick has been the ECA's official and unofficial legal department.

        Zeke Durica
        Builder of the New Ensign Classics. Zeke has made many contributions to the ECA but
        most well-known is starting Ensign Spars Inc and the rebirth of the Ensign Daysailer.  Other
        accomplishments are 12 years on the Governing Board and Commodore 1997-1998. He
        was dubbed the idea man and credited for bringing the Class from the 60's to the 90's. He
        started the Most Beautiful Ensign Award, founded Feet 69 of Dunedin (main host of the
        Mid-Winter Championship), the Sailpatch program, the Boat Brokerage, promoted the first
        ECA web site and played an important role in securing the Pearson molds. One other fact
        Zeke is very proud of is he has personally owned and sold over 53 Ensign sailboats.


        Sea III #3
        The oldest Ensign still actively racing in National regattas. Owned by Charlie Sligh III, of
        Holland, Michigan.  Sea III has sailed in more National Championship Regattas than any
        other Ensign.

        Irish Mist #710
        First boat to win “The Most Beautiful Ensign” Award, and still one of the most beautiful
        boats in the Ensign Class. Owned by Dick Torpey this lovely boat has won the National
        Championship Regatta twice.

        Lady L #2000
        Owned by Ken Horsburgh, it is the first of the new Ensign Classics.

        Dawn #2012
        Most distant Ensign. Owned by Takehiko Tsutsumi, home port Kamacura, Japan.  Ensign
        that survived the March 11, 2011 earthquake, tsunami and nuclear accident in Japan.

        Yard sale #635
        Owned by Phil Robinson of Lake Dillon, Colorado. In 1994, while skippered by Ralph
        Stevenson at the leeward mark the main failed to release and the boat swamped and sank
        with full sails never to be seen again.

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