Page 46 - Summer 2023 Tags and Swipes Newsletter
P. 46

Tags and Swipes, Summer 2023

        Valley Shore Acappella

         Like many other choruses, we were excited to get back to in-person rehearsals after a long time apart.
        We were rusty and had to relearn singing together as one voice in 4 parts.  Amazingly, we briefly found a
        Director in July of 2021.  Unfortunately, long distance and family issues and we parted company that

        Then a new member who was a music teacher stepped into the breach, only to have personal illness force
        her to leave us.  Then our own Mary Blewitt and Ellen Newbery stepped up on a temporary basis to fill
        the gap.  They brought through our first public performance on Memorial Day for a local Veterans group.
        It was uplifting to perform well for an enthusiastic audience again!

        Since Mary and Ellen had many other responsibilities and pursuits, we started our third Director search in
        two years.  Again, fate was kind to our chorus and a former VSA member, Susan Campagnano, offered
        her services.  She has had extensive musical training and has been a music teacher and piano instructor.
        She did a 4-week trial with our chorus and at the end of that period was offered a contract as VSA’s new

        We know many choruses have had difficulty finding new Directors during the past few years.  We do feel
        very fortunate to have found musically talented women willing to invest in our chorus.

        Our chorus has also had the good fortune to welcome new members. Our new leads are Liz Gray, who
        happens to be the sister of one of our basses, Karen Sedgwick, and Marylou Rice, whose daughter is a
        Sweet Adeline in Massachusetts!  We have a new bass, Lisa Picarazzi and a new Baritone, Heather
        Semotan.   They have brought new energy and enthusiasm to Valley Shore Acappella.  Our chorus has
        been revitalized and we are looking forward to a harmonious  future!

                                                                   Marylou Zinser


                                 North Atlantic Region 1 Sweet Adelines

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