Page 18 - Hanford Chamber Memberhsip Packet
P. 18


                               Sensory Rock’s mission is to create a safe place for children to grow
                  MEMBER FEATURE
                           SENSORY ROCK
                               and develop. Rock stands for Reaching Out Connecting Kids incorpo-
                               rated with being a play gym and place for therapy.

                               WHEN DID YOUR DOORS FIRST OPEN?

                               Soft opening was December 13th with a few sessions
                               starting back in October. Sensory Rock had a Grand Opening
                               scheduled in March, but unfortunately had to cancel due to
                               the Covid19 restrictions.  They are being creative with their
                               classes and adapting to online viewings to still get kids

                               WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS FOR THE FUTURE?

                               Sheri and Jeff Tos’ goals for the future of Sensory Rock are to grow in the area of ser-
                               vices provided to children with special needs and attract others to bring their resources
                               that include pediatric therapy. Currently  families are having to travel to Fresno or even
                               Sacramento for services outside of school and UCP is for children up to age 3.  At Senso-
                               ry Rock they are able to serve children up to the age of 10.  Sheri also shared that she
                               would like to begin programs for older children to volunteer at Sensory Rock.

                               WHAT DO YOU ENJOY MOST ABOUT THE CHAMBER?

                               Sensory Rock just joined earlier this year and is excited to get more involved as Covid19
                               restrictions start to lift and the Chamber is able to host more functions again.  So far
                               however, Sheri has enjoyed the support she’s received from the chamber.

                               WHAT IS SOMETHING THE COMMUNITY MAY NOT KNOW?

                               Hanford may not know that we are grass roots and are not part of a larger franchise.
                               Sensory Rock is one of a kind and is available to ALL kids.

                               WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING ABOUT SENSORY ROCK?

                               Sheri loves the kids and families. Any one who has the privilege of speaking with Sheri
                               in her establishment can easily see the joy her job brings her. Sheri and Jeff built Senso-
                               ry Rock because of their passion for helping children especially those who need a little
                               more care and attention.  She absolutely loves her job and the community is lucky to
                               have Sensory Rock.
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