Page 20 - MODULE 1 Q1MATH8
P. 20

 What I Have Learned
Activity 4: Generalization
Directions: Answer the following questions below.
1. Howdoyoufindthefactorsofthedifferenceoftwosquares?
2. Whyisitimportanttolearnthesquaresandsquarerootsofthenumbers? 3. Isitpossibletofactoranexpressionifitcontainsanumberthatisnota
square? Defend your answer.
What I Can do
Activity 5: Pair and Pair!
Description: This activity will help you develop your factoring skills by formulating your problem based on the given expressions.
Directions: Form polynomials that are difference of two squares by pairing two squared terms then factor them. Form at least 5 pairs.
    24p4 36m8n6 144q10r12 169s16t14 (x+3)2 144q10r12 25 81 121h18 (x7)2
400 f12 100 k6u12 u18
196 81m3 0 27 225u4v4

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