Page 5 - NEPTA 2015 Yearbook
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 In September, NEPTA will head back to New Hampshire to be part of the Tri-State Conference offering another maintenance workshop presentationfor those in attendance at this first-rate event.
NEPTA is dedicated to serving and improving passenger transportation throughout the Northeast and it is with the support of our members that we are able to continue this goal. On behalf of the NEPTA Board of Directors, thank you for your continued support. Visit our website, for upcoming programs and events. If you have any questions or comments, we welcome you to contact Carol Tally/Executive Director at 1-800-NEPTA01 (637-8201) or email at
With Warmest Regards,
Vicki L. Shotland
Vicki L. Shotland, NEPTA President - 2015
 Important Dates
· March 24–26, 2015 Biennial Northeast Passenger Transportation Conference and Expo in Hartford, Connecticut
· June 16, 2015 NEPTA Scholarship Golf Tournament in Sutton, Massachusetts
· August 1, 2015 NEPTA Scholarship Award applications become available online
· September 9–11, 2015 Tri-State Conference
· November 1, 2015 NEPTA Scholarship application deadline
· December 3, 2015 NEPTA Annual Meeting

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