Page 17 - SC Fall 2018 HR
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                                      ISRAEL HEALS THE WORLD SHABBAT
                                          September 14-15

                                          With Mr. Avi Jorisch, author of Thou Shalt Innovate.
                                          Avi will share  the fascinating story of how Israeli innovation is
                                          making the whole world a better place. Israel has extraordinarily
                                          brilliant innovators who are bound together by their desire to
                                          save lives and find higher purpose. In a part of the world that has
                                          more than its share of darkness, these stories are rays of light.
                                          You will see why his book is taking the world by storm.

                                                                FAMILY SHABBAT

                                          September 28-29
                                          Everyone deserves to enjoy Shabbat at Chabad!
                                          For schedule and reservations log onto:

                                                     JEWISH GENIUS SHABBAT

                                          November 16-17
                                          With Rabbi Shlomo Yaffe, Dean of the Institute
                                          of American and Talmudic Law.
                                          Rabbi Yaffe has one of those rare minds you only come across
                                          once in a great while. This is your chance to ask any question
                                          at all and expect an honest, comprehensive, original reply.
                                          You can’t miss this!

                                                        THE SHABBOS PROJECT

                                                      October 26-27            Track
                                                      Join Jews around the   Oct. 19-20
                                                      world in the International
                                                     Shabbos Project. Enjoy an extra special
                                                    Shabbat at Chabad and bring your friends!
                             To get involved in the Shabbos Project visit

                                                             THEMED SHABBATS

                      ISRAEL SHABBAT                           WINTER SHABBAT
                      Friday, September 14                     Friday, November 30

                       Rohr Chabad Center  I  420 Murray Hill Road  I  (607) 797-0015  I 17
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