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                        is a unique program offering focused mini courses aimed at exploring new realms of
          Jewish thought and philosophy. Whether it’s Jewish history, ethics or digging beneath the surface of our
                    rituals and traditions, jLearn focuses on the “why” and the “how” of Judaism.
                                 Participate in a course that interests YOU.

                         Upon registering, you will be asked to list your time preferences.
                       Class times will be scheduled to accommodate interested participants.
                        All          classes will begin during the week of October 15th.
                                         Choose from:

          THE ORIGINS AND EVOLUTION    Mrs. Rivkah Slonim     Rabbi Zalman Chein
          OF THE ORAL LAW           Fifty fun, complex, and controversial   For 830 years, there stood an edifice
          Mrs. Rivkah Slonim        questions about Jews and Judaism will   upon a Jerusalem hilltop which served
          Who gives the Rabbis their power? How   be explored in this course.  Appropriate   as the point of contact between heaven
          can we be sure that this is not a case   for beginners, advanced and everyone   and earth. What was the Temple all
          of “broken telephone”? Can changes be   in between!  about? What were its functions and
          made in Jewish law today? These and   Six sessions: 75 minutes each  what did it actually look like? Take a tour
 Advanced  many other questions are answered in               through the Holy Temple, walk through
          this course.              THE TASTES OF JUDAISM     its corridors and discover the marvels of
          Six sessions: 75 minutes each  Mrs. Rochel Chein    G-d’s dwelling place in our world.
                                    Latkes and hamantashen, kosher   Five sessions: 60 minutes each
          JEWISH SURVIVAL SKILLS –   symbols and big holiday meals...
          PRACTICAL HALACHA         Explore Judaism’s take on all    PARADIGM SHIFT
          ON CAMPUS                 matters culinary, and prepare and    Mrs. Rivkah Slonim
          Rabbi Zalman Chein        taste classic Jewish cuisine.  See the world in a whole new and
          Learn about matters of Jewish law   Five sessions: 90 minutes each  fascinating way through the teachings
          that university students commonly   CURIOUS, ZANY AND   of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
          encounter.  How do I deal with   FANTASTICAL TALMUDIC TALES  Six sessions: 90 minutes each
          automatic light sensors in my suite
          in Shabbat?               Mrs. Rivkah Slonim        THE FESTIVALS IN JEWISH LAW:
          Can I leave my coffee machine    In this fascinating course, participants   A TALMUDIC TAKE
          on a timer?               will glean profound life lessons and
          Which products in the supermarket   find personal meaning in stories that   Rabbi Zalman Chein
                                    defy the imagination, in accounts of
          require kosher supervision?  theology riddled debates, in the fine art   Take a deeper look at the festivals and
          Explore these and many other    of anthropomorphism, in a showdown   their mitzvot that we encounter each
                                                              year. Comb through the Talmud and the
          relevant issues.          between heaven and earth, and finally,   Codifiers in this text-based class.
          Five sessions: 60 minutes each  in a discussion of what constitutes a   Six sessions: 60 minutes each
                                    ticket to paradise. Prepare to challenge
                                    your mind and provoke your spirit.
                                    Six sessions: 90 minutes each

                          For more information and to register, visit
                                 or contact Rochel Chein at
                       Rohr Chabad Center  I  420 Murray Hill Road  I  (607) 797-0015  I 9
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