Page 8 - Potro Revista
P. 8

PROYECTO FINAL                                                                                                    9

        Healthy Lifestyle                    steps and spend less time using             We should practice
                                             your  cell  phone  or  computer,          sport
                                             playing     video    games      pr
       Having a healthy lifestyle is not     watching TV.                                We should run in the
       only  about  practice  sports,  we                                              morning three times per
       also need to know how to feed         You decide how you eant to live!          week
       ourselves and what drinks can                                                     We shouldn’t let practice
       benefit us and which affect out          What was the lifestyle                 sport
       healt, to have a healthy lifestyle             like before?
       we have to eat more fruits and                                                    We should use less
       vegetables,  have  a  balanced        Before our grandparents lived in          public transport
       diet  hace  all  the  proteins  and   a  healthier  way,  they  took  a           We should walk to
       carbohydrates that will help us       shower  every  day,  ate  in  a           school
       in the day to day, water is a vital   healthier  way  (they  knew  they           We should read more
       for  all  living  beings  and  if  we   ate more fruits and vegetables).        nooks
       drink  more  water  we  will  nit
       suffer  from  problems  of  the       The  lived  in  a  cleaner  place,          We shouldn’t use less
       kidney  or  urinary  tract,  on  the   they  took  care  of  the  streets       the cell phone
       other  hand  the  soda  is  the       because      they    threw     the          We shouldn’t use the
       cause  of  many  problems  of         garbage in their place and not in         social networks
       kidney besides that it is one of      the street, before they walked or           We shouldn’t use the
       the main factors . The obesity is     went by bicycle to many places,           computer
       present  in  Mexico  since  most      there was no need for a car, so             We should watch less
       mexicans  prefer  more  soda          they  did  not  contaminate  the
       than wáter.                           environment and dud exercise.             TV
                                                                                         We should recycle a
       Hygiene  also helps us to have        Our  grandparents  could  enjoy           bottle of pet
       a healthy lifestyle, so you have      their  free  time  in  a  good  way,        We shouldn’t  throw the
       to  take  a  shower  every  day,      they  did  not  watch  television
       either in the morning or at night,    and they did not have internet to         rubbish
       wash  our  hands  well  before        waste  time  browsing  social               We should recollect
       eating  if  we  do  not  wash  our    network like today.                       water rain.
       hands  before  eating,  we  are        Recommendations for a                      We shouldn’t eat fast
       ingesting microbes and bacteria                                                 food
       that cause stomachache, brush           better healthy lifestyle
       our teeth well to avoid cavities                                              Did you know...?
       and gum problems, it also helps            We should wash we                 People who lead a healthy
       us to have a good breath.                  hands every day                    lifestyle have a longer life
                                                  We should take a
       Changing     clothes    is   very          shower every day
       important  because  bad  olors
       are  caused  and  bacteria  that           We should practice
       can cause allergies.                       sport
                                                  We shouldn’t  eat with
       If  you  want  to  leaf  a  healthy
       lifestyle you have to follow these       the dirty hands
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